34- Aelin

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It has been two months since i moved in with sam. We are both working all the time to pay of our debts. We have also been dating for two months and two weeks.

When i wake sam is already gone. He has a job at a bakery all day and then he does his assassinations at night. I work as a seamstress during the day and Assassinate at night. Sleep really said no. i walk over to the kitchen and throw some coffee grinds in my mouth. I grab a piece of toast and check the time.

"Shit" i curse.

Im going to be late. I start at ten and it is already nine thirty. I run back into my room and get dressed before jumping out the window onto the balcony below. I climb to the roof and run across to the warehouse. When i get there i slide down the side of the building just in time to meet my friend rosy.

"Ten seconds early" rosy looks at me "colour me impressed"

"Hey i have only been late once" i defend.

"Yeah and every other time you are exactly on time" she says

"Yeah yeah" i say and wave her off.

"Why do you always look so tiered?" she asks. "Our hours are fine. We work from ten to six. Thats like" she counts on her fingers "sixteen hours of sleep"

"Yeah but traveling" i say and put one finger down "eating and shopping" i say and put down two "spending time with my boyfriend" i put down three fingers "doing things i actually enjoy" i put down two fingers "and then my night job" i say and slam down the rest.

"Are you ever going to tell me your night job Lillian?" she asks. I use the name lillian here.

"I am an assassin" i say quietly

She scoffs "yeah and i am a dragon" i give her a look "fine then don't tell me"

I roll my eyes. Its funny that even females underestimate females. I could be a bloody queen and no one would believe me. Thats funny. Me? A queen. I laugh to myself and Rosy gives me a strange look. I wave her off and we go inside.

Eight hours later and i drag my tired ass up the side of the warehouse and across the roves of Adriata. When i finally make it back to the apartment Sam is waiting.

"Hey sam" i greet.

"Hey, how was life as a plain seamstress?" he says sassily.

"Horrible. Did you bring anything home from the bakery?" i ask and sniff the air.

He pinches my nose and hands me a box. I squeal and we go and sit on the couch. We devour the pastries before sitting in eachothers arms in peaceful silence.

"Hey sam?" i ask and he looks at me.

"Yeah?" he runs a hand through my hair.

"I love you" i tell him.

"Really?" i nod "awww thanks" 

"Sam cortland tell me you love me right now" i command

"Ummmmm" he drawls

"SAM!" i yell

"Sorry sorry. I love you too celaena sardothien" he says sweetly.

"Damn straight you do" i say and he chuckles.

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