15- Aelin

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We escaped Endovier a week ago. After they took Lucia. They said she was to be part of the final trial. She was murdered. That was the tipping point for us. We revolted. Fought our way out and split into groups. Everyone going back to the human realms or their courts. I went alone. I will be finding rhys. I have to save him. It has to be me. It is my fault he didn't escape.

I am still very weak and malnourished to do much. I just walk slowly and eat what i can. Try starvation for thirty years and you will get it. If i eat more than a handful of berries a day i just end up barfing everywhere. It is not pretty and then i can't eat for three days after.

I treck through the woods slowly. Towards the night court. I think i am near the border about now. I hear people ahead and i investigate slowly. I look through the trees and see an inn. The day and night hostel. I look around for some unexpecting Fae. i choose a wealthy looking Female and bump into her.

"I am so so sorry Miss" i apologise profusely while slipping her wallet into my pocket.

"Human scum" she says and spits in my face,

I roll my eyes and walk into the inn. When i get to the front desk i ask for the nicest room they have. I then hand them the appropriate coins. Cauldron this Female is rich. Well, Was rich. Now i am rich. The female at the front tosses me a key and i go to my room.

Once there i collapse onto the bed. Savoring the confort and warmth. After i lay there for a good two hours i make myself a bath. In the bathing room i look at myself in the mirror. Eww. i look discuating, my hair is red with blood. My face covered in dirt. My once white shirt now crusted in dried blood. I strip all my clothes and lay in the warm water. I sit there until the water is cold. I get out and wash my dirty clothes in the water. I realise that the water is to dirty to clean my clothes. Also as soon as water touches them they practically break appart like paper. Same clothes for fourty years, it is to be expected.

I ring a bell in my room connected to the office. A couple of minutes later a young female nocks on the door. I quickly wrap myself in a bedsheet and answer the door.

"Hi" she says "what do you need?"

"Hey. i was wondering if there were any clothes i could buy. Mind sorta fell appart from all the" i hesitate. Trying to find a believable lie "traveling"

She seems hesitant.

"Ill pay for them?" i offer.

She nods her head excitedly and runs off. About ten minutes later she returns with some black leggings, a white shirt, some underthings and a pair of boots. I pay her handsomely and put them on. I then do some stretches in my room. I need to get back into my old shape before i can save rhys.

I go over some basic training. Once i get going it comes back to me quickly. I practice everything i can remember. I even make a dagger out of a piece of a chair leg, part of the mirror frame and the rope on the bell. Once i made it i practice for hours.

When i finnish i lay in my bed and try and sleep. I can't sleep in a bed damnit. I am to used to the floor. I roll onto the floor with a louf band. Wincing at my back. I havent even looked at at.

I lay on the floor for an hour before getting up and climbing to the roof. There i fall asleep in the open. Under the stars. I just wonder if my family is looking at the same starts.

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