14- Cassian

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My heart leaps at the news. There is a human woman who could break the curse and return all they highlords magic. With their magic back they could kill Amaratha. Then we would all be free. Rhys could come home. Aelin could. If aelin is alive then she would come home.

It has been forty years since i have seen Aelin. I miss her like crazy. I wish she never left. That i never left her. If i could go back i would do things so differently. I would do everything differently.

About twenty years ago we got confirmation that the human was in fact Aelin. We got a Fae on the inside to make sure she is ok. The fae doesn't ever talk to us. They just make sure she doesn't die. If she dies the Fae has promised to tell us. So far she is going thirty years stong. The Fae refuses to tell us anything other than that she is alive. Sometimes all i want to do is fly over there and take her away for good. To lock her up in the mountain hut and never leave. Keep he safe. Thats all i want. But i promised my family. So when i have urges to protect my little sister. I instead fly head first into the sidra. I then go get drunk. I do that alot. Maybe to much. But mor does it more.

Azriel crashes into the room and bashes into me.

"Mothers tits dude. What the hell?" i say.

I look up at him and see the happiness in his eyes.
"what happened?" i say.

"They are out" he says.
"Bloody hell Az be more specific" i yell at him.

"Endovier. The slaves revolted and most escaped. From there they scatted. Our source confirmed that Aelin got out" he says. I feel tears form in my eyes "thats not all. A human woman is with Amaratha. She has been doing challenges to free everyone. There is one task left. If she completes it we are all free"

"Oh my Caulderon" i look at him seriously "dude if you are fucking with me i will slaughter you and your entire family" i promise.

He smiles "im not joking" he then looks at me with a confused expression "you are my family dude. You pretty much just said that if i am lying you will kill me and your own family" he says.

"Shut up smart ass" i tell him. I whipe tears from my eyes.

"Now what?" he asks

"Now. we find our little sister" i look at him sheepishly "and hope she doesn't murder us"

He scoffs. "Good luck with that"

I roll my eyes "she was mad at all of us remember. I just happened to be the first to come back. So really she should be maddest at you"
"Maddest isn't a word. It is most mad" he says.

"You little" i say and chase him into the skies.

We both let out a cry of victory. We fly to endovier.

" spread out. She will be in human form probably. She couldn't've gotten that far" says Az

"Why would she be in human form?" i ask. "Wouldn't Fae form be better?"

"Yeah but she has been human for fifty years. Imagine how much her magic has built up over the years. She wont be able to handle it" he explains. "Lets go" we smile go find our family.

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