27- Aelin

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I wake up in a cell. A cold dark cell. I open my eyes. Wait scratch that. I am in a warm well lit cell. Huh. weird. I walk around and try and find the lock. There is none. How did they get me in here? Winnowing. Dammit. I just have to break through bars of solid steal. Fabulous. I could probably just dislocate a shoulder or hip and slip right though. I have done it plenty of times with Aborynn.

I wait in my cell for a couple more minutes before popping out my shoulder. I start to slip through the bars when someone walks in. my back is to them and i am stuck between two bars. Shit Celena. Always think about these things. I slip back into the Cell and face the person approaching. A blond haired female. I feel like i know her. Im not sure where though.

"Aelin? Is that you?" she asks.

"Yes" i say. Who does she think i am and why am i in a cage?. "Why am i in a cell?"

"Aborynn stole you and changed you memories" she tells me and leans in "i missed you so much Babe"

"You to" i tell her. So i am dating this chick. Great.

She leans in to kiss me and i reluctantly kiss her back. I have to keep my cover as this Aelin chick. She finally pulls away. A frown on her face.

"Guys its not her" she yells into the house.

Three males and two females appear in front of my cell. I do not retreat when i see who they are. Night court. I snarl at them and let my hands set fire.

"What is your name?" asks Rhysand.

I scoff "of course you don't know me. Why would the all powerful highlord know a lowly assassin?"

"You are not an assassin" says the illyrian. Captain Cassain.

I look him up and down "rude"

"At least she still has the attitude problems" says Rhysands Second. Amren

"My only problem is that i am in a cage. Mind explaining that" i asks "wait dont worry. Im sure i would spit in your face if you tried to explain" i say. "But if i did that you would just kill me. Like you did my family" i cock my head "say high lord rhysand. Did you feel guilt when you killed my whole family? Tried to kill me?" his face flinches "no? Huh. Cassain and Azriel. Did you feel Guilt when you sent me to endovier for thirty years? No? Thought so" i look at the brunette next to rhys and scoff "ha. Your Tamlin the tools little bride. I have heard about you. I was surprised when no one hired me to kill you. Apparently everyone loves 'feyre cursebreaker' but i think she only loves power. Is that wrong? Tamlin wouldn't make you Highlady so you are trying your luck here" i spit at her feet "pathetic" i look at amren "now you i like. Respect even. You don't pretend to be something you are not. You are simply you. I like it"

"I am nothing simple girl" she says.

"Someone touchy" i say.

I wiggle my eyebrows at Morrigan "how good of a kisser am i? Pretty good right. That was my first time with a female. I must say i prefer males. Sorry" i say with a shrug.

"I would never date my sister" she says and i come up to the front of my cell.

"You killed my sister" i yell "and brothers. And mother. And father. So i wouldn't know" 

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