29- Aelin

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He winnows us back to the assassins keep. So dramatic. He dropped me on the floor. I don't say anything.

"You should've used the signal and avoided getting captured in the first place" yells aborynn.

"Oh calm down. I knew they would take me. I got some of my questions answered and they think they got theirs" i start walking to my room.

"Hey celena" chimes Sam. "you know we could've helped you today"

"Im an independent female. Thanks" i say sarcastically. I make my way up the stairs.

"You cant spell independent without dependant" he calls.

"And you cant spell go fuck yourself without fuck you" i yell and slam my bedroom door.

I sit in my ornate chair and unlace my boots. I throw them in a corner and start taking of my suit. Careful not to trigger any secret baldes. When i am done i put on a simple singlet and grey sweatpants. I go over to my bookshelf and pick out a book. I sit back in my chair and start reading.

A few hours later and i hear someone knocking at my door. I check for where all my blades are before answering. It is Ziamara.

"Hey Zi. whats up" i call.

Ziamara is a thirteen year old who Aborynn is training. He sometimes gets me to train her and now she is like my little sister.

"Aborynn wants you to take me on your next assignment. He said it would be good practice. I think he is just tired of me kicking Sams ass" she says sassily.

"Anyone can kick sams ass" i reply.

"yeah i guess. You know he is your age. And he isn't to bad looking. And he isn't a douche bag like all the other guys" she says happily.

"For the last time Zi i am not Dating sam" i say

"But if he asked you what would you say?" she says slyly

"I would say. Fine" i say and flick her nose "but only to get you off my ass" 

"And maybe sam on it?" she says.

"You little" i start and she runs down the stairs. I chase her into the living room. She is on one side of the couch and i am on the other. "Get back here you little rascal"

She giggles and runs out the door. I chase her around the house and around the corner until i slam face first into someone. I fall on my ass and so does the other person.

"Asshole" i curse at them and rub my head.

"Jeez Celana. Is that the sorta language you use in front of kids?" Sam says and gestures to all the young trainees behind him"

I stand and face them "kids repeat after me. Don't say fuck"

"Dont say fuck" they all chime.

"Celena!" scolds sam.

"Hey. they are training to be Assassins and Criminals. I don't think their innocent souls will be tainted by cursing" i explain

"But it is still not appropriate" he complains

"If i agreed with you. We would both be wrong" i say and flick my hair as i walk away.

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