18- Aelin

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I stand in my old bedroom three months after we got out of amarathas grasp. I haven't been here for centuries. I feel like it would make it feel more triumphant if i had a bag to drop. I reach over and grab something random from the hallway. And then i drop it. I hear something shatter and i jump.
"Shit" i curse.

It was a vase. I hear someone running up the stairs. Shit. shit. Shit. what do i do? Mothers ass. I brush all the pieces under the rug and just as Mor appears at my doorway i shoot up to standing.

"I thought i heard something break?" she says and looks around she room.

"No" i say a bit to quickly.

She gives me a look. I try not to laugh. She looks around the room and puts her hand on her hips.

"Well this ain't right" she says and snaps her fingers.

The dreary bedroom with absolutely no decorations is now bright warm and the closet is filled with clothes. My eyes linger on the mirror. I haven't seen myself in the mirror properly in forty years. There was a mirror in the inn but it was smashed and dirty. Before mor can find my gaze i look away. I smile at her and embrace her.

"Thank you" i whisper to her.

"No worries little sis" she replies.

I pull away. I freeze when i see my hands. Bloodied. Blood. So much blood. I start panicking. Why is there so much blood on my hands. I fall to my knees. Please don't let this be a dream. Please don't let me wake up in the mines.

"AELIN" screams mor.

My head snaps to her.

"You are safe. You got out. We all got out" she says to me.

She wraps me in a hug. When i stop shaking she looks at me kindly.

"Do you want to go wrap your hands?" she offers. I nod. And we go to fix my hands.

When we get downstairs we see rhys. Just sitting and staring. He suddenly stands and fusses with the lapels of his back jacket. He grins at us.

"Be right back" he says and winnows away.

Mor and i look at each other and smile. He is going to see his mate. We finnish wrapping my hands when we sense him return.

Well mor senses him. I am still in my human form. I cant risk letting all of my fire loose after it has been building up for so long. We hide behind the corner and watch the two. I try not to laugh as the Female throws a shoe at rhysands face. Mor pinns me to the wall with a hand over my mouth so they don't hear me laugh.

"I dare you" he snarls.

We poke our heads around the corner and see the female, feyre, hurl her shoe at rhys's head for a second time. I try not to explode.

"Interesting" says rhys and winnows away, assumingly with feyre.

I doubled over laughing. Mor and i are wheezing. Suddenly someone pins me to the wall. Feyre.

Child of Night and FireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora