chapter thirty six

Start from the beginning

Though I didn't have the time to I did think about Anakin. He rushed off so fast I didn't even get a chance to ask if he wanted help.

'Ani, you need a hand?'
I thought allowed in the hopes he was alright.

'Just focus on that droid count love.'
He responded after a brief pause, confident as always which made me smile.

'Oh it's on fly boy.'
I responded with a chuckle as I ran forward to knock out four more droids, adding to my count. I wasn't overly competitive with other people, but Anakin? Well that was another story...

"Five more coming in from the left general!" One of the clones called out alerting me to the new group. With no time to rush over and my saber still busy deflecting to the left I shot a hand out and used the force to make the group topple over to the ground.

"Someone shoot them before they adjust!" I exclaimed over the sound of gunfire while having to turn back and focus more on my deflecting again.

"Taken care of ma'am!" Another clone shouted up above the decreasing echo of blaster fire.  Seemed we were doing our part and the others where doing there's, though I suspect the lack of droids was mostly thanks to those heavy cannons.  Not slowing our pace even with the decrease in droids my teams emerged into the main plaza, the place being strewn with all kinds of droids remains.

Oh and my husband to be.

Anakin seemed to be mid reckless strategy so I didn't disturb him and instead watched as he flipped off a ledge and sliced right through the last of the spider droids, landing perfectly on his feet as it collapsed around and still having the concentration to deflect a few boots from the remaining droids. They're weren't many left though, and those that were around seemed to be backing up.

"They're pulling back." Anakin said with some relief while lowering his saber. I ran over to join him, noticing a gunship fly over just above as I did so and breathing a sigh of relief.

"Looks like help has arrived." Obi wan pointed out from a few paces away while I switched off my saber and reattached it to my belt. I must say reinforcements did sound nice, we may have only been here a little while but still some help would be much appreciated.

"Thank the gods." I yawned while stretching my arms above my head and listening to Anakin give a laugh.

"Tired already? We've barely started you know?" My ever cocky fiancé teased while giving me a smirk.

"Urgh don't remind me..." I groaned with a huff before beginning to walk towards the gunship. I was probably being a bit over dramatic, after all Obi Wan and Anakin had been in battles far greater I suspect. Guess I just wasn't used to the strength and stamina needed.

"Well at least it looks like our cruisers back." Anakin spoke casually while walking along behind me.  "Which means we should be able to get our reinforcements." Anakin added while we continued to approach the now landed ship.

"Then it looks like our troubles should be over, fresh men, new supplies," Obi Wan added as we all came to a halt a little distance away from the ship which had now lowered its ramp. "And perhaps they bought my new padawan learner." Obi one mused while we all watched the ramp lower, his hand moving to stroke his beard. Honestly I couldn't see how bringing a padawan into this war would be a good idea, but having Obi Wan as a master in sure they'd be fine. Me and Anakin on the other hand, well we'd be chaotic master figures.

"You really think it's a good idea to bring a padawan learner into all this?" Anakin asked, airing the question evidently on both our minds.

"I spoke to master Yoda about it," He replied though I didn't really see the relevance. "You should put in a request for one, both of you, I'm quite sure you'd make fine masters." He added which of course made me laugh. Anakin to actually. We shared a look before Anakin looked back to Anakin and I looked back to the ship. Didn't know why but I felt something...familiar?

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