Chapter seventy three

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Anakins pov

I can't remember what happened, my mind was groggy with sleep. The thing is I couldn't remember going to sleep...actually I couldn't remember much at all. There was a blank void in my memory spanning recent events. I could remember having lunch with the girls and (y/n), going through the baby stuff Ahsoka had bought, but then just, nothing...

Opening my eyes I was met with the soft warm sensation of sunlight. The sensation of sand brushing against my skin, the only type of sand I could tolerate. The soft kind that could only be found on the shores of Naboo. Staring up at the gently hues of blue inlet out a breath as I slowly became aware of my own body again. I felt strangely relaxed, something I knew I hadn't been for quite some time.

There was something wrong though, something bugging me that I couldn't quite place. Then it hit me, I couldn't feel the force around me. When I tried there was just nothing, not a whisper nor even a sense of some form of life. At first I panicked, pushing myself up till I was sitting, the world a blur as I shot my hands to my head. My heart raced in fear as I pulled my hands down and looked at them, trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

"Good morning Anakin." I suddenly heard her soothing voice say and even though I couldn't. feel her presence I felt myself relax a little. Casting my eyes round I shunted through the light as I made out her silhouette, beginning to make out details piece by peace. Her beautiful eyes, her gorgeous smile, all of it helping to calm my nerves. My throat was sore so I couldn't speak but she seemed to know this as moved forward setting a hand on my shoulder as she moved across and sat by me.

"It's alright love you're safe here, we're just taking a little break on Naboo, you exhausted yourself to sickness remember? Passed out right there in front of me...I was so worried, I begged Obi wan to give us a week off together to rest." She spoke in explanation to what was going on, and it seemed to make sense. I hadn't been eating if sleeping well with all the stress of my nightmares, perhaps I did work myself to hard. It was entirely possible, I'd passed out before during missions, perhaps this time I'd pushed it a little to hard.

" we're on time off? No missions..?" I questioned quietly while reaching up and rubbing the back of my neck. As I did I felt something, a little scar I didn't recognise from before. It felt like the scar I got after being knocked out on Naboo, a syringe mark. Maybe I'd been riven some medicine, is it possible I'd been that sick?

"Yes that's right, my master kindly offered to cover your missions, we can stay out here until the baby's born."

Alright something here doesn't add up, actually a couple of things.

Firstly Kaida would never 'happily' do anything for me, secondly, two months? No way I'd be cleared for two months.

My brows furrowed as I frowned towards her, unable to hide my confusion in my tired state. She gently took my hand and drew it down from my neck into her lap. Something didn't feel right but it's not like I could check through the force what was going on.

Was this even (y/n)?

What was going on?

Why couldn't I remember what had happened?

"Ah...Anakin that hurts..." I heard (y/n) whimper while I was falling into my thoughts. Darting my eyes up and across I saw how I had her wrist held up in a type grip, almost as though I were defensively protecting myself from her. What's wrong with me, I can see she's in pain so why aren't I pulling back?

'What's going on, I, I don't understand..'

"Anakin please, please let me go, I'm sorry I, I didn't mean to scare you." She pleased with desperate eyes while setting her hand up over mind where it gripped her wrist. I could feel her fingers gently trying to pry mine away careful as though even despite me causing her pain she was trying not to harm me. My breath hitched in the back of my throat and I froze realising she was in pain...and I was causing it...

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