Christmas year 1

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Next thing you know it's Christmas. Time went by so fast, you were in the common room watching as everyone Gathered their things and walked out Chloe Draco and Goyle came next to you "hey Y/N are you leaving for the holidays or staying" Asked Draco "I'm staying" you answered sadly "why is that don't you want to go see your family" Chloe Questioned. "I would love to but I don't want to leave just yet I'm gonna stay for the holiday but send a letter to my family" you said looking at them "I'm staying too" Draco said. "My family is hardly ever at home anyways" he said looking at you "what about you Goyle and Chloe are you guys going back home" you asked "yes" they both replied "I guess you'll be here to keep me company than" you said looking at Draco with a smile.

Later that day it was night time and You walked to your room to change. You removed your uniform and put on A oversized tshirt over top of your underwhere. The tshirt covered you enough not the reveal your panties underneath. You walked out and sat in the main room watching the fireplace. As you heard a door open, Draco walked out of his room In pyjama pants and no shirt once again. "God put on a shirt will you" you said blushing a bit. He walked over and sat next to you "why don't you put on some pants" he said looking at you annoyed

"Soo" you said awkwardly " why didn't you wanna go home for the holidays" you asked Draco. "Because my mom and dad are never home, their always at work. And I'd rather stay here with you at school than Go home and stay there alone, atleast I'll have someone to talk to" he paused "what about you" he said curiously. You paused for a second "my dad is back home" you said looking away "my dad always favourited my brother, my mum was the one who always took care of me" you said Looking down "I'm so sorry" Said Draco "it's fine I guess, atleast I won't have to see him until summer than I can come back here" you said with a slight smile on your face. "We should go to bed it's getting late" You said looking at Draco "okay" he said standing up and pulling you up off the couch.

"Goodnight Y/N" Draco said Smiling at you
"Goodnight Draco" you said Returning that smile. You both walked into your rooms and went to bed.

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