Diagon Ally

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You, Your mother and your older brother Arrived at Diagon Ally. They had already taken you to get your Galleons and were now heading to Ollivanders to get you a wand.

You walked into Ollivanders but your mother and brother did not follow. "Hello?" You called out nervously. Nothing. "Hello you said a bit louder" and a man appeared on a sliding latter "ahhh hello here for a wand miss?" He asked with a smile. "Yes" you said nervously walking up to the counter. "He picked a wand off the shelf and handed the box to you "go ahead try it out" he said as you took the wand out of the box. You nervously pointed the wand at a flower pot and it shattered spilling flowers and water all over the place

"No that's not the one" he said taking another box off the shelf" try this one out he said, you took the want and pointed it at the counter and books and papers flew off, you put the wand on the counter quickly "nope" the man said. He slid down the latter and grabbed another wand off the shelf he handed it to you and you took it out of the box. You pointed it at a piece of paper on the floor and the paper levitated up back into the counter. "Yes thats the one the man said smiling" you put some Galleons on the counter and thanked the man than walked out with your wand

You looked at the letter while walking down the street with your mom and Brother "now all I need is a owl a cat or a toad" you said "I know a good place to get those" your brother said as he walked with you to a nearby store, you entered to find rows of pets, your mouth formed a circle as you saw all the cute animals "aweee" you said as you ran over to a cat

While you were walking around the store looking a Boy walked into the store. A platinum blonde boy with slicked back hair walked in the store with what looked like his father. You had never seen such a cute face before he looked at than your quickly looked onto a shelf. Your eye landed on a Pretty white owl. You gasped at the sight "want that one?" Your brother asked as you turned to him "yes!" You said with a smile

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