Hogwarts Second Year

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You had stayed with Draco all summer after he and Lucious saved you from your father. It was time for year 2 at hogwarts. Lucious brought you and Draco to Diagon Ally to get your things earlier but now you were walking towards the platform. As you guys entered the platform you immediately ran towards Hermione Ron and Harry. "Y/N!" Harry screamed as he ran towards you and wrapped you in a hug. "Harry!" You said excitedly. "Hermione" you said happily hugging your friend. Draco stood behind you with his arms crossed, you guys were just friends but over the summer you guys grew closer and he became very protective of you.

"Bug off Malfoy" Harry said bitterly "oh shut up Potter!" He yelled back. "Both of you shut up" you said walking over to Draco. "Hey relax Harry isn't going to hurt me you know that" you said to him as he pulled you closer and hugged you. "I don't care" he said glaring at Harry. You rolled your eyes and walked over to Ron and Hermione. Draco followed you close "so" Hermione said "are you guys dating" she looked at the 2 of us standing together. "No" Draco said rolling his eyes. "Something happened over the summer something bad. With my parents, I wrote to Draco and he came and saved me from my family" you explained everything that happened from there.

"Draco I appreciate your concern but you don't have to always be with me you can go hang out with Crabbe and Goyle" you said with a giggle. "Ok. But if anyone hurts you I'll kill them" he said hugging you one last time. "When the train comes I'll find you ok?" He said with a worried tone "okay" you giggled again. He walked off to go see Crabbe and Goyle. You looked from him to Hermione Harry and Ron. " I still don't like him" Harry said Giving Draco a death stare from behind. "Relax Harry" Ron said putting his hand on his Shoulder. "The train should be coming soon" Mione said. "But about Draco" she said looking at him. "What about him" you asked. "I think he likes you" Mione said. "No way" you giggles "were best friends" you said looking back at him. "Mhmm whateverrr" Hermione said with an eye roll

"Oh look the train is here" you said "we'd better get on now. I'm so excited to get back to school!" Ron said "same but I'm a bit nervous" you said as you all walked into the train

You were sitting with Mione Ron and Harry when the door opened and Blaise grabbed your arm "yeaaah your Comin with us" he said pulling you up out of your seat "ughh" you groaned as Blaise dragged you to a different compartment. You sat down next to Draco. And he put his arm around you. "Really you had to get Blaise to take me from the other compartment to here" you said annoyed. "I said that when the train came I'd find you didn't I" he said smiling. "You didn't fine me Blaise did" you said rolling your eyes.

The train pulled up to the school as you all came out and walked inside. You went to the Dining hall and sat down with Gryffendor. "Hey Fred Hey George" you said as you sat with them "hello Y/N" they said together. You put your head on the table "ugh I'm so tired" you complained. "I can't wait to go back to the common room" you whined. Mione laughed and put her head on your shoulder.

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