Your house

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You arrived at your house. And walked upstairs. Jack went to his own bedroom and you showed Draco your bedroom. You room was really cute
Your bedroom was Painted baby pink with a large bed in the corner with white bed sheets and baby pink pillows. You had a desk on the other side of your room and a bookshelf beside it. You also had a bathroom in your room. You also had a pink full body mirror against your wall. "This is your room" Draco asked in shock. "Yeah" you replied. "Well now I know what your favourite colour is" he said with a laugh. You walked over to your dresser and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of you and another girl
"Who's that?" Draco asked. "That's my best friend" you smiled putting the picture away.

"I haven't seen her since first year. I miss her"
You said sadly. "We should go to her house" you gasped. "Ok yeah let's go" Draco said as you both walked out. You took him down the street to a house that was a bit bigger than yours. You knocked on the door and a really tall older man opened the door.
" Hey Mr. Ray!" You said happy to see him
"Ahh hello Y/N it's been a while" he said smiling
"Yeah it has been pretty long" you said giggling "I'm guessing your here to see Ally" he asked. "Yes" you said smiling. "I'll get here for you" he said walking back inside. You turned to Draco. "I'm so excited" you said happily.

Suddenly the door opened and a really beautiful skinny girl walked out. She had really long straight brown hair. Beautiful green eyes and freckles.
"Oh my god!" Ally screamed as she hugged you.
"Ally!!" You screamed excitedly. "I missed you so much" you both said. "Ally this is my boyfriend Draco" you said introducing them. "Well hello there" Ally said shaking his hand. "Hello Ally it's very nice to meet you" Draco said smiling. Ally turned back to you. "We should go to the park. Oh my god do you remember we used to go there so much when we were younger" Ally suggested
"Oh my god yess" you said excitedly. Ally than peeked her head in the house and told her parents that she was going to the park

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