Christmas pt 5

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You were in your room, Reading a book when you looked up and realized that you had been reading all day, it was getting dark out, you put the book down and walked into your bathroom, you washed your face, brushed your teeth, and than put on your pjs
You were wearing A white crop top with red and black plaid shorts. You climbed into bed, turned off your light and went to sleep.

In your dream:
You were back at your old house? You were standing in the living room, suddenly you were pushed onto the ground, you turned around to see.... "Father" you asked as your heart dropped, suddenly he slapped you, "don't call me that your a disgrace" he snapped at you, you crawled back in fear, "father..Please.." you begged. "Shut up!" He Screamed. You put your knees up and put your head against them and covered your head.

 You put your knees up and put your head against them and covered your head

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He started kicking you and screaming at you.
Suddenly you felt something shaking you
"Y/N!" You heard a voice say, "Y/N wake up!" You heard that same voice say. Your eyes shot open, you were breathing really heavily and couldn't calm down, you realized that you had tears streaming down your cheeks, you rubbed your eyes and looked up to realize that Draco was sitting at the side of the bed, he looked really concerned, "Are you okay?!" He asked sounding really Scared and Concerned. You didn't answer you just started crying again, Draco pulled you into a hug, you hugged him back and cried into his shoulder, "I had a dream about my dad" you said pulling away from the hug and wiping your tears away. "It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore" Draco said putting one of his hands on your cheek and brushing some of your hair behind your ear, he looked at you in the eyes. "Just remember, I love you and I would never let anyone hurt you ever" he said as he pulled you into another hug and kissed you. "Get some rest you really need it" he said to you, he went to get up but you stopped him,

"Will you stay?" You asked still kind of scared, "of course" he said as he got into your bed and layed down next to you, you wrapped your arms around him and layed your head against his chest, he was holding you close to him, he kissed you on the forehead "I love you" you whispered to him, "I love you too princess" he said to you.

Dracos Pov:
"I feel so bad about how fucking traumatized she is, she's a kid, she shouldn't be this scared of her father.
I'm just glad I got her out of that house, if I didn't what if what happened to her mom happened to her instead? I don't even want to think about what would happen if I lost Y/N. I wouldn't be able to live knowing the love of my life is dead, I should really Stop thinking about this and go to sleep, it's late and it's all over, she doesn't need to worry about her dad anymore, he can't touch me with me in the picture, plus he's in jail anyways" you thought to yourself
You looked down at Y/N and saw that she was asleep already, you pulled the blanket up a bit more so she wouldn't get cold and closed your eyes, and fell asleep.

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