The First Kiss...

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You were sitting In class. Next to Draco when suddenly you felt something. Under the desk.Draco put his hand in yours. You blushed a bit.
"Wait... you thought. Could I... be falling for Draco"
"No I can't be... he's my best friend" you thought to yourself. Class ended and you walked out of the class room with Draco. "Hey Draco..?" You asked shyly
"Yes?" He answered looking down at you. Suddenly you guys were alone. He looked at you confused

Than suddenly you put your hands on his face and brought his face down to yours and planted a kiss on his lips. He quickly went from shocked to happy real quick. He gripped your waist pulling you closer to him as you stood in the hallways. Making out. You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and pulled him down closer. You pulled away from the kiss Looking at him in the eyes. "Sorry" you said as he stated back down at you. "Don't say sorry." He said smiling "ive been wanting to do that since the summer" he said looking at you and slightly biting his lip. "We tell no one about this" You said to him
"Yeah I'm pretty sure Harry and Hermione will kill me" he said laughing a bit. We'd better get going.
"Yeah I have Quidditch practice" said Draco with a  sigh. "Can I come" you begged. "Yea sure" he said as he grabbed your hand and you both went back to the Slytherin Common room

You were walking with the rest of the Slytherin quidditch team when you guys saw The gryffendor team. "What are you guys doing here. I booked the field for Gryffendor today" said Wood, one of the Gryffendors. "Easy bud we have a note" said one of the Slytherin guys. Handing a note to Wood. Wood read the note out loud "I hearby give Slytherin permission to practice today so that they can train their new seeker" said  wood as he folded the note back up. "You have a new seeker. Who" and Draco stepped forward. "Malfoy" Harry said surprised "that's right and that's not all that's new this year" Draco said as the Slytherin team put their brooms infront of them.

"That's a Nimbus 2001" how'd you get those"
said Ron
"Gift from Dracos father" said one of the Slytherin boys. "You see Weasley unlike some others my father can afford the best" you giggled a bit at that
"Atleast no one on the Gryffendor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent" Said Mione
"No one asked your opinion. You filthy little mudblood" you heard gasps all around.
"Ok Draco that's enough" you said walking over to him
"You gonna pay for that Malfoy. Eat slugs!" Ron said angrily. But due to his broken wand instead of cursing Draco he cursed himself. He layed there throwing up slugs as Hermione and Harry grabbed him helped him up and brought him to Hagrids shed
"Ew yuck" Draco said as he laughed a bit

After Quidditch practice you and the rest of the Slytherins went to The dining hall for Lunch. While you sat next the Blaise and Draco you played around with the necklace Draco got you for your birthday

 While you sat next the Blaise and Draco you played around with the necklace Draco got you for your birthday

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"Like the necklace love?" You heard from beside you. You turned to Draco "yes I love it" you giggled as you layed your head on his shoulder

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