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Meanwhile You were in the Slytherin common room by yourself. Chloe walked out and laughed at me with Draco I'm guessing it was from the scene we made in the dining hall. "Whatever I'm just gonna read" I thought to myself. You were reading for several hours and next thing I knew it was dark out. So You went to my dorms and You were alone. "Thank god" You thought to yourself the girls were still out probably at dinner. You took your robe and shirt off and pants and slid the tie off your neck. Than You slid my sports bra on and put shorts on when You heard a knock on my door. You opened it to see Blaise and Draco "uh what do u want" You asked while hiding my body behind the door
"Can we come in? We wanna talk we're bored" said Blaise "uh yea sure I guess"

you said opening the door a bit for them to walk in. You quickly ran over to my bed and sat down under the covers so that they didn't see my body. "So what do you wanna talk about" You asked Blaise came and sat down on the end of my bed and Draco sat next to him "well first off I wanna say I'm sorry for how I acted" Draco said with a smirk "it's whatever I guess" you said looking away. Blaise looked at you and said "you look pretty today, I like your hair". "Wow thank you Blaise" you said smiling back at him "no problem Y/N" he said "why did you seem so weird?" Draco said with a confused look "what do you mean" you questioned "

"When we came to the door you hid behind it and ran to your bed and sat under the covers" he said confused. "I'm not wearing normal pjs" you replied. The boys looked at each other confused. You sighed as you removed the blanket to reveal. Your sports bra and your booty shorts. The boys eyes widened and they looked away as if trying to be respectful
"I get what you mean now" Draco said . You laughed a bit at him, you leaned over to the other side of your bed and started looking for a hoodie in your trunk. While you were looking Blaise and Draco started talking to each other. Suddenly Draco looked over and stared at your Ass "hey" Blaise whispered snapping his fingers. "What" Draco said innocently. They both started giggling a bit. You found your hoodie and slipped it over you, it was long enough to cover your ass. It came all the way down to your knees.

You and the boys sat there talking for about 2 hours"Ok I don't know when the girls are coming back. But I'm getting tired" you said yawning "do you guys wanna stay?" You asked them "yea sure
But we have to go the room first to change" they responded "okay go change than come back" you replied. They left to go back to their room to change and when they came back you blushed a bit as Dracos hair was a bit messy from washing the gel out and He was shirtless wearing comfortable pants. Blaise was wearing the same thing. You were smile compared to the bed they provided you at hogwarts it was very big. You slept normally how you sleep. Draco slept at the foot of your bed along with Blaise.

It was late maybe 3 in the morning and you woke up from a nightmare. To see Draco was up too. "Draco what are you doing up" you whispered "bad dream you?" He answered "same" you replied "Do you mind" you asked motioning beside you "no no problem" he said moving beside me "thanks" I said laying back down. "No problem. We payed there for a bit before I fell asleep. Blaise was on the other side of the bed sleeping comfortably, and Draco was laying beside me with his hand in mine and his head right by mine. I woke up a bit early. The girls were back and they were up. They were changed and sitting in their beds whispering to each other. I sat up trying not to wake Draco or Blaise. 

The girls looked over "what's with the boys" Daphne said looking confused. I walked over and sat with them " last night after I changed I was gonna go to sleep but they knocked on the door and asked if they could say and talk a bit cuz they were bored, so I said yeah and we sat on my bed talking for a long time, and than I started getting tired and asked if they would like to stay and sleep here for the night. And they said sure so they went back to the boys dorms to change and came back" you said explaining everything "what about Malfoy" Chloe said looking over at him "what's with you guys" she said smiling "I had a bad dream last night and he was awake he said he also had a bad dream so I asked him to come up and move beside me and he said sure" you said looking back at him "we should get dressed and than wake the boys up " Lilliana said "yea let's get dressed" you said getting up and walking to your trunk,

After everyone got dressed the girls walked out and sat in the main room while you walked over to your bed and woke up Blaise and Draco, they went back to their room and got dressed and met the girls in the Main room and than you all went down to breakfast together

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