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You and 3 other first year Slytherin girls walked into your dorms and saw 4 beds lined up against a half circle wall With  a bunch of space in between them, and a fire place in the corner.
"Wow all this space for just 4 girls?" One of the girls said with a smile on her face

You walked over and sat down on your bed and put your trunk beside your bed and you owl on the desk on the other side of your bed. You as well as the other girls got changed and sat on the beds and began taking

"Hi I'm Daphne. Daphne Greengrass"one of the girls said
"I'm Chloe Anderson" one of the other girls said
"My name is Lilianna Brown" the last girl said
"What about you what's your name" Chloe said looking at me, the rest of the girls looked at me with friendly smiles "oh uh.. I'm Y/N   Y/L/N" you said shyly. "It's nice to meet you"

While the girls were talking there was a sudden knock on the door, Lilliana Answered and the boys walked in "ew what do you want" Daphne said
"We just wanted to come and say hi and introduce ourselfs" Draco said sarcastically
"I'm Draco Malfoy, that's Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise" Draco said with a smirk
"Im Lilliana, that's Chloe she said pointing at Chloe
That's Daphne and thats Y/N" Dracos eyes widened when he saw you and you were confused as to why Than you realized you were wearing shorts and a Sports bra "ew you Pervert" Chloe said throwing something at Draco

"Ow" Draco said looking at Chloe Angrily the girls laughed. You got up and went to your trunk and pulled out a shirt and slid it over your sports bra. You than glared at Draco. Lilliana asked if everyone wanted to go down to the Main room and chill, everyone agreed and walked to the main room

Mudblood ( Draco x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now