Chapter 4

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Football practice ended when Coach Paul blew his whistle.

Louis tossed the football aside and took off his helmet. Liam came walking over to him to discuss their Friday plans.

Louis had tutoring tonight, so he suggested Saturday instead. Liam said he didn't mind and accepted the offer.

The rest of the posse was headed out to a party, which Louis was invited to but declined. Ever since his tutoring started, Louis realized there were more important things to focus on.

Or more important people.

Louis said hi to Liam and looked around to see Niall running onto the field with a case of water bottles for the boys.

Louis had always felt bad for Niall. He knew Niall wanted to be on the team, but simply wasn't aggressive enough to take on the other teams. Niall made a point to try and help the team any way he could, and Coach Paul said he could be the water boy.

"Thanks Niall."

Niall beamed.

"Of course!"

Niall started to walk away, but Louis stopped him. "Niall, wait-"

Niall turned around, shocked that someone on the team was paying attention to him.

"Yeah, Louis? Did you need a refill or something?"

Louis looked at Liam and smiled. He then turned back to Niall, shaking his head.

"Would you like to hang out with Liam and me tomorrow?" He asked.

Niall stuttered and his cheeks turned hot. "Well, I- I mean...I'd love to."

He looked up at Louis, smiling. Louis smiled back and gave Niall his address.

His parents had been at the cabin for over a week, and Louis knew they didn't plan to come home any time soon.

Niall thanked Louis and Liam repeatedly before he got a phone call from his mom arranging post-practice pickup times. Niall excused himself and walked away to answer the call.

"What are we going to do with Niall?" Liam asked.

Louis knew Liam wasn't being rude, he was just curious. He thought for a second before responding.

"Well, I have an important algebra test coming up on Monday that Harry is going to help me study for today."

Liam nodded, and Louis continued.

"I could always invite Harry over tomorrow and the four of us could hang out. He normally just comes over to help me study, but I only ever see him around with that Zayn kid in our grade, and his sister, and maybe he could use the company."

"Have you hung out with him before outside of tutoring?"

Louis paused.


If only I got the chance.

"So now we're going to hang out with two kids we barely know?" Liam looked at Louis quizzically, and Louis nodded in affirmation.

"Yeah I suppose so. We'll see what happens but both mates seem like good kids, I'm sure it'll be a nice night. We can crash at my place and you guys can spend the night. I'll invite Harry over when I see him at tutoring."

"Sounds good to me." Liam smiled at Louis.

"Speaking of, I better get home soon. I've got to get cleaned up before he comes over. I look like a sweaty mess." Louis said, and Liam laughed and agreed.

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