Chapter 3

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The alarm went off at exactly 6:30 am, startling Harry. He ran his hand along the nightstand, eyes still closed, until he felt his phone vibrating.

He forced himself up, and squinted at the bright screen to turn the alarm off.

There was a text from Louis.

Hey mate, could you come tutor me today after practice? I've got a big math test coming up.

Louis often had varsity football practice after school, so this wasn't out of the ordinary.

Sure. I'll come by after you're done.

Harry put down his phone and rolled over in his bed, burying his face in the pillow. The sun felt bright in his room, and he needed time to adjust to the light.

Just as Harry began to doze off again, Gemma came into his room. Their mom was fast asleep in her room after a late shift at the supermarket.

"Hi Harry. It's time to get up. I have muffins downstairs for you. The local bakery made them fresh this morning, and the nice cashier gave me a spare for you."

Harry grumbled and rolled onto his back again and opened his eyes.

Niall, the boy who worked at the bakery, was always so generous to the Styles' family. He also was in Harry's grade and the water boy on the football team. Not to mention that he had a massive crush on Gemma.

"I'll be down in a minute. Thanks Gem." He replied groggily.

"Of course!" Gemma always had more energy than Harry in the morning. Maybe it was his lack of coffee.

Or maybe it's because she gets to see Zayn every morning before school.

He smiled to himself at the thought of them. Gemma and Harry picked up Zayn every morning before school and drove to Starbucks where the three of them took turns paying.

Today was Zayn's day which was good for Harry. He'd recently spent his money on a new fragrance, because smelling good was a necessity.

Harry pulled himself out of bed, keeping the light off. He walked over to his dresser to find a casual, yet stylish outfit laid out for him.

Every night, Harry would prepare the next day's outfit to make mornings easier. He knew if he tried to pick an outfit for school while still half asleep in the mornings, he'd end up regretting it later.

San Diego was warm, so Harry slept with boxer shorts and socks. He slipped on the ripped black skinny jeans, one leg at a time. Then, he fastened them with a thick black belt lined with silver grommets.

Next, he put on a simple white collared shirt as an under-layer.

Despite the warmth of San Diego, his high school felt like an igloo in the desert. Everyone was always bundled up. Or they were wearing summer clothes and freezing to death. There was no in-between.

Finally, he slipped on a loose-fitting sweatshirt and pulled the collar of the white shirt over it. The thick pastel blue and white striped sweatshirt was one of his favorites.

He completed the day's look with a simple pearl necklace tucked under the collar, so it only showed a bit in the front.

I'll fix my hair after breakfast.

He left his room and went downstairs, careful to not be too loud on the stairs. His mom only got a few hours of sleep a day, and Harry didn't want to wake her.

A warm blueberry muffin was sitting on the kitchen table for him, the steam still creating beautiful swirls in the air above it. Next to the muffin sat a packed lunch.

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