"I hope you're ok in there." She said sweetly caressing her baby bump. "I love you my little thing." Then, she looked at the mirror one more time to admire her belly.

She smiled and then looked inside the wardrobe to choose her outfit. Having doubts, Ellie peeked at the window. The day was sunny but she could bet it was freezing cold. She then approached the window to see how people outside were dressed. Though all she could see was the park, behind the curtains to hide her almost naked figure, she could see how people wore their coats completely closed and scarfs. It was cold, she was sure. Ellie came back to her wardrobe and started looking at her clothes. There was a new part for pre-natal clothes that she had bought. Though she had trouble finding something she liked, she was able to find some cool dresses and some pre-natal jeans that looked almost as regular jeans, except for the part where the baby bump was. She grabbed the black ones and then she grabbed a yellow turtle neck sweater. Happy with her choice, she closed the door of the wardrobe and slid her legs inside her tight jeans and pulled them up. On its waist, there were buttons that would adjust as the pregnancy evolved, Ellie buttoned it on the first button still. Then, she went back to bathroom. Chris was already drying himself, running the towel over his chest when she walked in. His front nude image made her smile openly.

"Hot!" She giggled approaching him and smooched him.

"Are these the new jeans?" He asked her, looking at her figure with a smile on his lips.

Ellie raised the sweater so he could see its waist. "They are. Mine do not button anymore." She shrugged. "I can pull them but..."

"You look lovely." He assured her. "All the things you said yesterday are not true. You look wonderful, babe."

"I kind of like them." Ellie said looking at the mirror. "They're tight on the legs and stuff..."

"Like I said..." He bent over to kiss her lips. "... you look absolutely gorgeous." He said holding her chin and looking in her eyes. "And I love you." He kissed her lips again.

"Go get dressed, you naked butt." She laughed.

"I better." He agreed.

As Chris left, Ellie grabbed the hairbrush and brushed her black straight hair carefully. As it was still wet, she ran her finger through it to let it loose a little as it looked stiff. After, she applied her daily moisturizer creams. First, the one around her eyes to avoid bags under them. Then, the serum to moisturize and eliminate spots caused by the sun and city pollution and finally, the moisturizer. Just then, she left to kitchen to prepare something to eat.

"Chris?" She yelled from the kitchen with the door of the fridge opened. "Chris?" She called again.

"Yeah..." He appeared on the corridor in a pair of blue jeans still unbuttoned and a shirt in his hands.

"What do you want to have for breakfast?" She asked, looking at him.

Chris shrugged. "What are you going to have?" He asked her, sliding the shirt of over his head. A plain white shirt and still, he looked so mazing in it.

"I am just going to have yogurt with chunks of fruit in it." She told him. "I feel a little sick today. I don't know..."

"I'd like that too." He said, zipping his flyer. "Can you make some for me too?"

"Sure, babe." She nodded and smiled. "Go get dressed."

"I'll be right back." He said entering the bedroom again.

Ellie grabbed a banana, a kiwi, a mango, and some grapes. Then, she opened the drawer and grabbed a knife. From the cupboard she grabbed a plate and a bowl that she put on the counter. One by one, she began to chop the fruit in chunks and putting them all mixed inside the bowl. When done, she grabbed two smaller bowls and grabbed the yogurt basket they used to buy and dumped some spoons inside them. Finally, she added some of the fruit mixture and put a spoon inside it. Ellie decided then to make him a toast, for she knew he was going to be hungry with just the yogurt. When done, she buttered the toast and put it on a plate and placed it near the yogurt bowl on the counter. She poured a cup of coffee and a cup of tea and took it to the counter too. Chris appeared with a black sweater on, his jeans rolled up above his ankles.

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