They Drank Her Coffee

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"Dean!" Castiel yelled.

Dean and Gabriel both stopped and looked back to Castiel.

"I feel her. She's in pain. Come on." He said grabbing their shoulders making them vanish.

The three men appeared outside of an old rundown warehouse. Dean looked around for any signs of anyone lurking, waiting outside. It was empty. He looked back to the angels and nodded.

"I'm going in."

Gabriel looked off to the right, "Guys, we have company arriving." He said pointing to the vehicle pulling into the vacant lot.

"I'm not stopping." Castiel said running towards the warehouse.

Dean looked back to Gabriel as he was taking off towards Castiel.

"I'll handle them, go get her." Gabriel said as his eyes began glowing. He stood up and took a step towards the approaching car.

As soon as Castiel was inside he stopped mid-step causing Dean to bump into him.

"What?" he asked looking at Castiel's skewed up face.

"She's in bad shape, Dean." Castiel closed his eyes, grabbed Dean's arm as the jerked forward.

Dean stumbled as they appeared in the corner of the warehouse.

"Every damn time." He said shaking the dizziness from his head.

Castiel took off towards the sound of a blood-curdling scream with Dean on his heels. As they rounded a corner, a woman's form came into view. She was holding a baseball bat, towering over a beaten down, possibly broken body on the floor. Dean noted the jean jacket covered arms trying to fight the baseball bat off.

"Raven!" he yelled charging towards her.

The Nebari woman turned around, teeth bared, claws extended. She hissed as she lunged towards Dean but burst into particles in midair before connecting with him. Dean looked at the mess on the floor and back to Castiel in confusion. Castiel stood with his hand in the air as he snapped his fingers.

Dean kneeled at Raven's side. Her face was shattered. Her cheek bones were concaved in, her right eye was swollen shut. Her lips were busted open. There was a gash at her hairline where the bat missed her face. Dean looked at her in horror, his voice stuck in his throat; he looked up to Castiel pleading for him to help.

Castiel knelt down, hands shaking, breathing ragged, sweating, and tears falling from his eyes. He reached a hand out and placed it on her chest, she was barely breathing, but she was breathing.

"Call out for Gabriel, you two watch the doors." Castiel ordered.

Dean fell into line with no arguments, turning towards the doors to watch Castiel's back.

Castiel straddled her body placing both hands on Raven's head. He began speaking in Enochian, eyes glowing, a golden glow diverging from his hands. Tears dripped from his face onto her hair. The glowing began to get stronger, the light brighter. The gash in her forehead slowly began to close up, the bruising and blood disappearing. He slid his hands down to the sides of her face, still talking in Enochian. The further down her face he made it, the more she began to come to. When he reached her chin she opened her eyes. Hands still on the sides of her mouth, she reached up and grabbed both of his wrists. She slowly began sitting up making him scoot backwards. Holding her head, she looked around slowly remembering what happened. When her eyes met his, he cupped her jaw looking back and forth between her eyes. Tears spilling over his and down his face, he leaned forward placing his lips on hers, desperate to feel the life in her.

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