The 2nd Big Bang

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"How can you be so sure?" she asked looking to Castiel.

"Because only God has the ability to create and destroy that weapon." Michael replied.

"What's so special about that gun?"

"It's the only weapon that would ever kill God. God is the only that would ever be able to create that gun."

"What about the knife you used, Cas?" She asked.

"Amara created that knife. With her and Chuck being basically one in the same, it would kill either of them." Castiel explained.

"If she never intended to help us, why would she create and bring a knife to a battle that her brother was the main target in?"

"That's a damn good question." Dean said looking to Gabriel.

"Hey don't look at me. I told you what she told me. Besides, why would she bring the weapon that would be her own demise?"

"Do you think she went into the battle ready and willing to die? We all know that she knew Chuck was out of control." Sam asked.

"Eh, I don't know. I don't think she'd have known that Chuck could absorb all of her power after she died. If Castiel wouldn't have been able to sneak up and catch him off guard like that, he'd be unstoppable right now. He'd be both Light and Dark. He wouldn't need Amara to keep the balance of the universes aligned. He'd be able to do that himself." Gabriel explained.

Michael's facial expression made Dean aware that he had come to a realization.

"Well, out with it." Dean stated making everyone turn their attention to Michael.

"Everything Gabriel stated is right. Chuck absorbing Amara's powers, becoming one with light and darkness, he'd be the sole balance."

"Ok, and that made you realize what?" Dean pressed on.

"When Chuck absorbed Amara, his entire body lit up with a golden glow. When Castiel stabbed Chuck, he was thrown backwards but not before his body began to illuminate a golden glow."

Everyone seemed to understand what Michael was saying at the same time.

"Are you telling us that Castiel absorbed both Amara and Chuck's powers?!" Dean asked almost in disbelief.

Michael nodded.

"Well Cas, it seems as if you're no longer an angel of the Lord. You are the Lord, himself."

Castiel sat quiet.

"So does this make our little brother our daddy?" Gabriel asked in a sarcastic tone.

No one seemed to be amused by his joke.

"Geez, tough crowd."

"This explains everything," Castiel said suddenly jumping up from the bed. "The reason Earth didn't completely disappear. How we are all still here. How this place is still here." He said talking faster with each word. He was pacing the room as he spoke.

"Since you have Chuck and Amara's powers; every universe lies within you now." Michael explained.

"You mean this one. It's the only survivor, isn't it?" Raven asked.

"Well, yes, but technically they all survived."

"How is that possible when Earth is basically a charred rock?" Dean interjected.

"He is why they didn't all become dust, nonexistent. He is why this place is what it is. He is why the ones that survived that battle are still here." Michael explained.

"What do you mean this place is what it is?" Sam asked.

"Buck and Julie, they told you that they live off grid due to no law within city limits, correct?" Michael asked.

"I see where this is going." Gabriel stated taking a seat at the end of the bed. He crossed his legs and rested his chin on his fist in a dramatic act of giving his attention to Michael.

Michael continued his explanation without missing a beat. "And Raven told us that Julie says they've lived here for years...That Buck encountered someone coming from the woods, just as you did, but decades ago."

"You're implying that when the powers shifted, so did time." Castiel stated.

"What?" Dean was thoroughly confused. "How did time change? We went back. We watched what happened. Time didn't..."

"Dean, what year did Buck tell us we are in?" Sam asked.

Dean's eyes widened as he began to understand what was being said.

"So, you see, Castiel was basically the reset button. But with Earth being completely damaged, the reset button created an entirely new universe. A universe years into the future. And with this planet just appearing out of thin air, this would explain why law has not been formed yet. No one has taken the stand to implement laws or restrictions to follow."

"And without rules and restrictions, it is utter chaos." Dean added as he rubbed the back of his neck trying to release built up tension in the muscles.

"Castiel created the second big bang..." Raven thought out loud.

"Exactly." Michael said crossing his arms in satisfaction.

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