Where Do We Start?

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"So you really think Michael is right?"

Everyone was sitting around the map table in the library, with the exception of Castiel standing behind Raven and Gabriel. Castiel and Gabriel were explaining why Michael teleported them to where he was within the world; a different country, much like Italy. He told them it was the closest he could get to Rome so that is where he's been staying.

"I've never known Michael to be wrong." Castiel said.

"Well, he did follow dad's plan when these dupes over here knew dad was a joke in the end." Gabriel stated pointing a thumb towards Sam and Dean.

"No offense." He added.

Sam and Dean both rolled their eyes ignoring the arch angel.

"Yeah, but why would anyone want to create monsters? They're breeding different species together just to create monstrosities?" Raven asked.

"Ding, ding, ding, tell the lady what she's won." Gabriel said in a gameshow hosts voice. He looked to Castiel, pointed to Raven and said, "Seriously, little bro, this one?"

Without looking away from Raven, Castiel reached behind Gabriel and slapped him in the back of the head causing an out roar of laughter around the table.

Gabriel's eyes flashed white as he glared at Castiel. Castiel's stare hardened as his eyes began to illuminate with a golden glow refusing to cower away.

"Just because you're ranked above us now does not mean I won't kick your ass." Gabriel warned.

"Just because I'm not evil like Chuck was does not mean I won't smite you if you ever disrespect her again." Castiel growled as he bent over the table to stare Gabriel in his eyes.

Dean stood up quickly moving between the two, pushing Castiel further away.

"Alright, alright. We really don't need to watch you two wrestle for authority. Let's just figure out what the hell is going on in this world so Raven here can go back to crushing on God."

Raven scrunched her nose up and glared at Dean, rolling her eyes.

"Stop calling me God. I'm no different than I was before." Castiel walked to the other side of the table to put distance between he and his brother.

"Yes you are." Gabriel said. "Do you honestly think you'd have been able to heal Dean with how bad off he was? He was shredded and nearly drained. No angel, archangel even, would have been able to repair such damage."

"Yeah but I didn't do it alone. You had to help me."

"No, little brother, you did it. All I did was encouraging you to reach inside and pull out what I knew you were afraid to surface." Gabriel's voice had softened any signs of anger gone.

"You're afraid of what's in you. I get it, I would be, too. It's a lot to take in and process. But the fact of the matter is, you are God, our God and you're not alone. Whether we're fighting and trying to kill each other or not, Michael and I are here to help. Michael knowing more than anyone how to handle the powers, maybe you should spend some time with him to connect with what's in you."

Sam, Dean, and Raven all nodded in agreement.

"Maybe he's right, Cas. You've been jumpy and skittish since you learned about the newfound you." Dean crossed his arms as he leaned against the support beam of the bunker.

"Maybe learning more in depth about what you can do and how to do it will help relax you."

"I know how to do whatever I want to do. I close my eyes and think. I feel it. I feel things with such intensity, almost too intense sometimes." he snuck a glance over at Raven that no one missed.

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