The talk

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"I'm sorry, what the hell did you just ask me?" Dean looked at Castiel with disgust.

"She stopped me, well us, what did I do wrong?" he asked not understanding why Dean was staring at him in horror.

"Cas, I am not talking to you about laying Raven. She may not be our sister but she's our damn sister!"

"I wasn't trying to lay her down, Dean, I was attempting intercourse."

"Oh ok, ok, that's enough. Stop talking. No words from you." Dean said waving his hands back and forth.


"No. Stop. No."

Castiel blew out a breath of defeat as his shoulders fell forward in a slouch.

Dean looked at him out of the corner of his eye seeing how pitiful he looked. He took a deep breath, grabbed both sides of his forehead and blew out his breath.

"Tell me what happened." He said. "But spare me the details!"

"I claimed her." Castiel said matter of factly.

"You what?" Dean's brows furrowed.

"We were talking about what we were. I asked her if she was mine. She told me if I wanted her to be mine, to claim her. So I pushed her against the refrigerator and..."

"Ok, ok, I get the idea." Dean interrupted.

"It was going well. Real well," Castiel grinned at the memory of the night before.

"Cas..." Dean warned.

"After a few minutes of a heated make-out session she pushed me away. I tried kissing her again and she told me that she needed to go to bed. What did I do wrong?" he asked genuinely worried that he did something wrong to upset Raven.

"It just sounds to me like it was too much too fast." Dean answered.

"Too fast?" Castiel looked at him confused.

"Well, you guys are just now opening yourselves up to one another. Maybe slow things down. Don't try to have intercourse with her just yet."

"Isn't that was humans do?"

Dean laughed considering his question, nodding his head side to side.

"Some humans do just because they can. But some humans view sex as something special. Something that isn't just given to anyone who they find attractive. Some want to know how the relationship will be for a while before they are willing to go that far." Dean was trying his best to give Castiel a Rated Teen version of 'the talk'.

Castiel sat quietly for a while as he pondered over Dean's explanation. Before he started talking again Sam walked into the Dean cave.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he asked.

"Hey Sammy." Dean greeted him.

Castiel still sat in silence.

"What's up with him?" Sam asked nodding to Castiel.

"I just gave him the talk." Dean answered.

"What? Like, the talk?" Sam asked sitting in the loveseat next to Dean's recliner.

"Well, something like it."

"What on Earth for? He's God, I'm sure he can figure it out." Sam laughed.

"Raven." Dean said looking to Sam with a serious look on his face.

"Oh." Sam said exaggerating the facial expression. He looked over to Castiel who seemed to be in deep thought.

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