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     Dean woke up to his head pounding. He moved to sit up but couldn't as he was restrained. Looking to his wrists and feet, they were bound to the bed he lay on. He looked around the room he was in realizing he was not in his own room. The night before came back to him in a rushing headache. He yanked against the binds trying to break free.

"Dean?" Sam's voice was weak and dry.

"Sammy? Sam, are you ok?" Dean said straining to sit up as far as he could to see where his brother was.

"Sam!" he called out louder.

"Dean..." Sam's voice was weak.

"Sammy, where are you?" Dean was fighting against the restraints making them bite into his skin. He kept yanking and pulling over and over as blood dripped from the gashes in his wrists.

The door opened and in walked the bartender and girl from the bar.

"Quiet down boys, you're going to wake the others." The bartender stated as she brushed her fingers against Deans cheek.

"What the hell are you? What did you do to my brother?" Dean demanded.

"Well, my name is Chiana and this is my sister Echo. We are Nebari's," she stated as the color of her skin slowly faded to a greyish color. Her eye sockets were exaggerated with a dark shadow seeping into the greyish skin tone.

"What the hell is a Nebari?"

"Us." She answered gesturing between herself and Echo. Echo's skin tone changed as well.

"We are reptilian with the thirst for blood and hunger for fresh flesh." Leaning over and sniffing Dean as if he was a pie in the oven.

"What did you do to my brother?" Dean demanded again.

"He's not dead. We only drank a little of him." Echo said coyly.

Dean fought against the restraints again causing the women to rush to either side and hold him down.

"Shhh you're going to wake the others." Echo hushed him as she looked to the door nervously.

"Waking the others would be a bad thing for you or me?" Dean glared.

"Both of us, idiot. We aren't supposed to bring dinner home alive." Chiana stated.

"Oh..." Dean started, "So it would be bad for you if I got really loud, wouldn't it?" he was screaming by the end of his question.

Chiana reeled back and smacked him with the back of her hand causing him to taste blood.

There was commotion outside the room right before the door burst open. A large man with the same skin tone and shadowed eyes walked in observing the situation at hand.

"What is this?" he asked, his voice deep and terrifying.

Chiana and Echo both stumbled backwards until their backs met the wall. They shook in terror under his gaze. He looked to Sam, noting that he was helpless and wouldn't be a problem. He looked over at Dean who was bound to the bed, blood dripping from his lip and both wrists. His eyes flickered with the same second set of eyelids as the two girls. He moved closer to Dean, sniffing him.

"Listen you freak..." Dean was quieted by a strong back hand making his mouth fill with blood.

He spit it at the man, glaring, challenging him for more.

"Get the other one up." He commanded.

The two girls hurried over to Sam, one on each side of him, picked him up. Sam slumped forward not able to hold his own weight. They shuffled Sam closer to the man who seemed to be their leader. He reached down picking Sam up with ease, exposing his neck. He breathed in Sam's scent.

"Don't you touch my brother." Dean growled fighting against the restraints even harder. He felt one of the restraints begin to weaken. He yanked hard, snapping the leather like fabric. With his free hand he grabbed the bound hand and yanked, breaking both hands free. His feet were still restrained but that didn't stop him from leaping forward onto the guy, knocking Sam from his grasp.

Sam slumped down onto the bed face down while the Nebari grabbed Dean by his throat and squeezed. He was feeling lightheaded and seeing stars as he started falling in and out of consciousness. Before he lost full consciousness he prayed to Castiel.

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