Penny for Your Thoughts

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After Savannah went home Raven sat on the porch of the cabin watching the dragonflies fly over the water of the stream; enjoying the warm sun and now blue sky. Castiel recently turned the pink sky to the same blue sky from their Earth.
With the exception of their well advanced technology on Moya, the planet was very similar to Earth. The trees, grass, and soil were the same. It seemed that the same plants, with maybe a few new additions, grew there as well.

The group had been on Moya for about a month now but only left the bunker a handful of times. Raven usually chose to stay behind after her first experience in the city. Sam and Dean had gone out on a few drives just to explore. On night they came back telling her there was a city that looked almost identical to Lebanon where their bunker was on Earth.

Raven pulled herself to her feet, walking down the stairs off the porch. She began walking the perimeter of the land the cabin was on. She followed the stream for a little bit watching the sun glisten and reflection off of the water. When she hit more dirt that grass she decided to turn off to the right and walk along the tree line.
The leaves on the trees were turning into reds, oranges, yellows, and browns indicating Fall was approaching. As the ground lay littered with a blanket of multicolored leaves, the view had Raven wishing she still had her professional camera. She didn't realize just how much she missed her hobby of photography.

Stumbling upon a scene where the sun beams were shining through the trees creating broken streams of light, highlighting the leaves around, she took her phone from her back pocket and selected the camera app. She knelt down, bracing her elbow on a knee to steady herself from the shakiness. She framed the scene in her screen and snapped a few pictures. Reviewing the pictures as she continued walking, she was impressed at how good the pictures actually turned out. The pixels weren't as sharp and detailed as they would be with a professional DSLR but the camera was pretty darn good.

"Penny for you thoughts?"

Raven jumped as she nearly walked into Gabriel.

"Damn it, Gabriel. What the hell are you doing sneaking around?" she yelled while punching his shoulder.

"I wasn't sneaking. You were just too enthralled by whatever is one that phone of yours to look up and watch where you were going." He shrugged.

Raven stepped around him and continued walking. Gabriel turned and fell in step with her.

"What do you need?" she asked him.

"I don't need anything. I was done talking with the boys and decided to see how the beautiful Raven was doing."

"Well I am fine. Just enjoying the sun and scenery." She replied dryly.

"I see that. Is it so bad that I want to enjoy the scenery as well?" he asked turning to her with a grin.

"What's your play, Gabriel? You know I'm not interested so what do you want."

"I know you're not and honestly, knowing what I know for sure now, I wouldn't make a pass at you anyways. Although, a little flirting is harmless."

"What do you mean what you know?" she asked intrigued at the tone of his voice.

"Isn't it obvious?" he asked.

"Obviously not if I'm asking you." She rolled her eyes.

"Well if it isn't obvious to you, you're either blind or avoiding it." He said shoving his hands in his pockets as they continued walking.

"I'm not in the mood for riddles or games."

He didn't respond, he just continued on the walk.

As the two of them made their way to the top of a hill, Raven stopped and took in the field of sunflowers and daisies before her. Taking in the beauty of the scene she again, knelt down and framed up the scenery in the screen of the phone. Taking pictures again was making her smile. Making the gloomy mood she had been feeling all-day lift away. She turned to look back at path they had just walked, not realizing how far she had walked. The cabin seemed so small from where she was standing. Turning back towards the sunflower field, she descended the hill with the angel in tow.

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