Charlie's Deal

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     Raven held Savannah in her lap as she listened to what Buck and Julie were saying.

"She has definitely taken to you quickly." Julie observed.

"She's an amazing child." Raven replied. "I'm guessing Tommy keeps to himself?"

"Yeah, he doesn't spend much time out of his bedroom unless we force him outside." Julie replied with a chuckle.

"Julie, you guys really don't have to leave the cabin. I am sure Sam and Dean feel the same way. This is your home."

"It was our home. Honestly, I have wanted to leave here for years. When Herschel came to me saying that a girl offered him a solution to an issue we were having in return for the land, I didn't have to beg him. He was all too happy to accept."

"What do you mean?" Raven asked.

"We made a deal." Buck replied just as Sam and Dean were walking in the front door.

"What kind of deal?" Dean asked in worry.

"Vannah, honey, why don't you go pack up all of your toys." Julie told Savannah.

Raven set her down and she ran off gleefully.

"What's the worried tone?" Julie asked.

"Where we're from, when you make a deal, someone will come to collect. And it's never usually a pleasant meeting." Sam explained.

"We made the deal with Charlie." Buck answered.

"Charlie?" Raven asked. "Did she have that kind of power?"

"She didn't have any powers at all until Amara." Dean replied. "What did Charlie offer you?"

"Savannah and Tommy." Julie said quietly as she looked back towards the children's bedrooms.

"Wait, what?"

"A few years before they were born, I had a miscarriage." Julie started to explain as Buck walked behind her placing both hands on her shoulders in support.

"The doctor told me that I would never bare children.  It hit me hard, losing my baby." She looked to Raven. "So I knew your pain. I recognized it in your eyes when you watched Vannah run off after you fixed her doll."

Raven reached out to her and grabbed her hand.

"Charlie told Buck that if he was willing to give up the land she could give him one thing. Without hesitation, he asked for me to become pregnant and for the baby to be born without any issues or complications. Three months later the doctor told us we were pregnant. With twins."

"Ok but you don't have to leave. We're here now and we're saying you don't have to." Sam said.

"We're ok with this." Buck ensured.

"This isn't right. We show up, basically aliens to you, and you just leave your home?" Dean asked.

Raven pulled away from Julie turning towards Sam and Dean.

"You're not going to change their minds." She said.

"How are you so sure?" Sam asked.

"Would you go back on your word if you could have Lisa and Ben back?" Raven asked Dean.

Sam's jaw dropped not knowing that she knew about Lisa and Ben. He looked to Dean for answers but Dean's face was blank.

"No. I'd keep my word and be happy with it." Dean answered.

"Wait. Dean, we're not kicking them out of their own home! We have the bunker, we have a home." Sam argued.

Dean stood to his feet. "It's a done deal, Sammy. We have to accept what they want to do." He turned and walked out onto the porch.

Sam turned back to Raven. "When did he?" He looked back to Dean, hesitated but followed him outside.

"We're going to go pack our things." Julie said standing.

There was a fluttering sound just as Castiel appeared making Raven jump.

"I can help make things easier for you." He offered Buck and Julie.

"Can you?" Buck asked.

"Yes. Tell me exactly where you're headed to and I can get you there now."

"Wait a damn minute!" Raven exclaimed jumping to her feet.

"Buck, are there any other hidden doors in this place?" Castiel asked ignoring Raven's outburst.

"No. Just the two. Why?"

"If you'd be willing, I could use a closet to make a portal much like the one in your bedroom, only it would allow Savannah to come through here." He explained.

"And there'd be no way for her to end up anywhere else?" Julie asked.

"It'd be just a point A to point B portal."

"Then yes. But how would you create it at our place?" Julie asked.

"Use Savannah's room, Cas, so she always has her room here." Raven suggested.

"Can you take me to your home? I can create the portal from there knowing where it will be here." Castiel asked Buck.

"Absolutely, let me grab my keys."

"No need. Just tell me the address." Castiel said grabbing Buck's arm. As soon as Buck spoke the street name they vanished.

"I will never get used to that." Julie said looking at where Buck and Castiel were just standing moments ago.

"Julie, are you guys sure..." Raven started to ask.

"Yes. No doubts in our minds that this is what we want. Now why don't we go let Vannah know what's coming so she's not surprised when the two flash back in her room." Julie said as she walked towards the bedrooms.

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