It's Time

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"What happened? What the hell happened?" Dean was demanding.

A young woman was visibly shaking while Bobby was trying to calm her down.

"H-he just vanished." She said, eyes filling with fear.

Dean looked at Bobby with question.

"Balls! This isn't how I wanted you guys to meet." Bobby said. "Dean...and everyone else, I guess... this is Raven, my niece."

Dean looked from the woman to Bobby. "Introductions can come later. Where did my brother go?" Dean asked getting angrier by that second.

"Dean, I know where he's at." Gabriel said. He was standing with Balthazar and Naomi. Balthazar looked annoyed. "Amara has him."

Dean stood quiet. Ellen and Mary both stepped on either side of Dean. John was standing behind them, along with Jo, Adam, Garth and Benny.

"Where are they?" John asked.

"I can't seem to pinpoint the area. I just know Amara took him." Gabriel replied.

"I can help with that situation." Ash said stepping forward. "I just need access to a computer and the internet.

Charlie jumped up and carried her backpack towards him. "I've got everything needed in here. You're welcome to all of it." She said handing it over to Ash.

Ash eyed her for a second then nodded in thanks.

"It'll only take a few to get this going." Ash started to explain. He was mumbling some technical terms and instructions that Charlie was following with no issues at all.

Patience made her presence known as she cleared her throat.

"Um, Dean, this might be bad timing but," she started.

"Yes. It is bad timing. We'll deal with that later." Crowley interrupted.

Pamela motioned for Patience to go talk with her, knowing what she was about to bring up.

"We got him." Charlie said. She read off the address and before Dean could say anything Gabriel grabbed his arm and vanished with him.

Benny and Raven both said, "I'll never get used to that." At the same time.

He grinned at her but she quickly looked away. Bobby shot Benny a dirty look which made Benny look away quickly.

"Ok, I think its time to come up with a game plan. Time for relaxing is over." Donna spoke up. Most everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's just wait until everyone gets back here before we start hashing out plans." Crowley stated.

As he finished his suggestion, Castiel and Rowena both popped into the room. Castiel looked around at everyone gathered together and looking stressed.

"Michael." Castiel said looking over to Adam.

Adam nodded and closed his eyes. When they opened, everyone was greeted with the warm blue glow.

"Castiel, it is time." Michael stated calmly.

"Just wait one damn minute," John started.

"There is no time for waiting." Rowena interjected. "God is coming."

"We're not doing a damn thing while two of my boys are missing." John said.

Anna, Naomi, Billie, Hannah, and Lily all came forward. Billie spoke first.

"Everyone knows why we are here. We are here for one reason. To fight. That fight is here. Everyone gather yourselves, this is going to be the most important battle you ever fight."

"Billie is right, Anna agreed. "We need to figure out what we're going to do. We don't have the option of waiting."

Just as John was going to argue, Dean and Gabriel appeared with Sam.

John and Mary pulled the brothers in for a hug.

"Where the hell did you go?" Mary asked.

"Sam. Dean. Chuck is coming." Castiel said interrupting Mary's question.

"We know." Sam and Dean said in unison. Dean looked to his mother and answered her.

"Amara is going to fight alongside of her brother. She tried to talk Chuck and Sam down first. To save existence."

Gabriel huffed and rolled his eyes.

Castiel ignored what was being said bringing everyones attention back to him.

"Rowena has something to offer before we get to planning." Castiel motioned for her to begin talking.

"As everyone knows, I am Queen of Hell so anyone and anything," She looked over to Patience and Pamela. "Follows me and what I say. Sometimes we have those few who want to rebel and go their own way but for this situation, we are all on the same page."

"Get to the point." Dean demanded.

Rowena glared at his remark but didn't respond to it.

"All of Hell will be fighting alongside of us in this battle." She revealed.

"No, no, that can't be a good idea." Kevin said.

"And why not?" Rowena asked.

"Excuse me for not trusting demons. Or anyone who runs Hell, for that matter." He said looking at Crowley.

Castiel stepped into view of Kevin and said, "Crowley wants the same thing we do. He was brought back solely for this purpose, along with a lot of you. This battle is here whether we are ready for it or not. That is not going to change. So if any of you can't seem to put all of your beliefs and opinions away and fight on the same side we are ALL fighting on, walk away now. We cannot afford to have any doubts walking into this. We are going to die but we'd better die fighting and not because we doubted our fellow soldiers."

Everyone seemed to settle down in agreement. Michael spoke up again,

"Castiel, it is time." He said looking to his brothers and sisters.

Dean nervously clapped his hands together once and said,

"Alright. Let's go fight Earths Last War." He turned without making eye contact with anyone and walked out of the room.

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