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Warning: Strong sexual content.

    Weeks had gone by, Earths New Years passed and Moya still seemed quite peaceful. Raven and Castiel told everyone that they made things between them official causing a unanimous Finally out of all of them. They spent most of their time together with Sam and Dean watching movies. Raven began teaching Castiel certain things that he never learned on Earth, like how to cook, do laundry, even fishing.

Today was no different. Raven was finishing up the dishes from lunch. Sam and Dean were itching to get out of the bunker so they headed out shortly after. Raven opted to stay back and clean up the lunch mess. She thought she'd maybe take a walk along the frozen stream afterwards.

That was until Castiel appeared.

Raven reached up putting the last plate in the cabinet when she seen him out of the corner of her eye.

"What are you doing?" she asked turning towards him.

He shrugged looking away for a moment with a grin on his face.

"Watching you reach up to put that plate away. "

She rolled her eyes playfully and turned back to the sink drying cups and setting them aside to put away. She sensed Castiel behind her before he touched her. He slid his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"You still going for that walk today?" He asked as he slowly began to pepper soft kisses across her shoulder. When he reached her neck he pulled her hair to the side softly kissing her.

Raven set the glass down, closing her eyes as Castiel's lips danced across her skin. They had been together for a while now and she still hadn't given herself to him and he hasn't once complained.

She reached up behind her, sliding her arm around his neck as she stretched hers making it easier for him to get to. Instead of kissing her neck more, he grazed his teeth against her skin and bit down without leaving any marks. This caused her to quickly turn around pulling him down to her lips kissing him in a way she hadn't kissed him before.

Castiel shoved her against the wall crashing his lips against hers. He picked her up by her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist nibbling down her neck, across her collarbone then to the other side of her neck. Raven let out stifled moan as she arched her back, pulling his hair and grinding into him. A low guttural growl escaped him making him bite down on her shoulder to contain his moan.

"Where are the guys?" He breathed heavy in between rough kisses.

"Out." She was fisting his shirt in her hands now wishing that the layers between them would disappear.

"Raven, are you sure..."

She didn't stop kissing him, her hands explored every bit of him that she could reach. He tried to pull away to look at her, she pulled him back to her lips, desperate for his mouth to stay on hers.

"Rav..." he forcefully broke their connection, looking into her eyes filled with lost. Her blue eyes, normally a pale to grayish blue was now the deepest blue he had ever seen in her eyes.

"Castiel, stop talking and get me to my room." She said ripping his tie from the collar of his shirt. Within a flash he was dropping her onto her bed and crawling on top of her looking into her eyes with a fierce stare, almost predatory.

If they weren't in the middle of making out she would cower away from a stare of this intensity. Castiel rose to his knees, shedding his jacked and Raven was loosening his belt, yanking it from his pants. As she fiddled with the button and zipper he was stumbling around the buttons of his shirt. Impatient with him she grabbed an opening and ripped the shirt apart causing all of the buttons to pop, flying in every direction. Lifting her shirt over her head exposing her perfectly round breasts hidden beneath her bra, Castiel had never yearned to be an article of clothing until that moment. He stood to shimmy out of his pants as she slid hers and her underwear off. Reaching behind her back she unclasped her bra letting it fall from her shoulders. Once she was completely naked she reached out for Castiel but he leaned away staring at the beautiful being in front of him.

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