Spooky QingYu pt2

Start from the beginning

Qing: Probably. It happened when I was fifteen. In the old house where I used to live. I grew up knowing that I live in a house with shapeshifters in it.

Me: Shapeshifters?

Qing: You know...supernatural beings who can adopt any form: humans or animals...and mingle with mortals using sounds and tone familiar with the mortal people living around them.

Me: Shapeshifters are not real.

Qing: Yeah, continue thinking like that. I think its safer that way. Anyways, I managed to grow up well in our old home even though there are shapeshifters in them. But when I was fifteen, there was this incident that has never left my mind ever since it happened. I always remember it like it happened yesterday. Mama sent me message, telling me that Baba came home during lunchtime because he was not feeling well.

Me: Baba got sick?

Qing: (nodding) Probably fatigue from too much working. Those were the times our company was soaring high and recording massive growth in profits so yeah, Baba was striking while the iron was hot during that time. But he is human and he got tired too so he came home early and Mama told us to come home directly after class. So thats what I did, I came home after class to greet my parents. I went to their bedroom to see how Baba is doing. I saw him in bed.

Me: (totally invested in his story) Was he alright?

Qing: (wincing) Dayu ah, Baba is alive today. He was fine then. I told you, it was probably a simple case of fatigue. Anyways, I was a teenager and selfish so I just want to do my filial duty of greeting my Baba. He was lying sideways on the bed with the cover up to his neck. When he felt my presence he pulled the cover higher to hide his head. I sat on the edge of the bed and asked how he is feeling.

Me: How was he feeling?

Qing: He murmured sleepy. Then he asked me to hand over the lotion to him. I don't understand why he wants the lotion but that's what he wanted so I got it for him and he took it under the cover with him. I patted his calf under the cover and told him to get well so0n. I turned my head slightly when I heard the door of my parents' bedroom opening and someone came in. Guess who came in?

Me: JiJi? Mama?

Qing: (shook his head) No. Baba came in.

I coughed in surprise.

Me: B-baba came in? B-but he was in bed...

Qing: Yeah...or so I thought. When I saw it was Baba coming in from the outside, I turned my head around fast to see who is lying on the bed but there was no one there, only the bunched up cover and the lotion I handed to my "Baba".

Me: Holy shit.

Qing: Exactly. Someone impersonated my father, acted and sounded like him to fool me. But then the game was up when Baba decided to enter the room where I thought he was in and lying on the bed. Baba asked when I have arrived. I said just now. He said he was in the kitchen with my mother and he was glad I am home because I could have snacks with him and Mama while waiting for JiJi to come home from school.

Me: My god.

Qing: I followed Baba outside and into the kitchen. Mama was there and smiled when she saw me. She was glad she was right to guess that I have arrived and asked Baba to fetch me. So yes, they were in the kitchen when I arrived and Baba was not in bed and asking for lotion. We sat down for some juice and snacks, I told my parents about my experience on someone impersonating Baba, lying on their bed and asking for lotion. Mama just smiled at me and told me she once saw me enter the kitchen bathroom and waited for fifteen minutes for me because she wants to talk to me. When I didn't came out after fifteen minutes, she knocked on the door of the kitchen bathroom and "I" didn't answer. So Mama opened the door and there was no one there. But she swore on mine and JiJi's lives that she saw "me" entering that bathroom.

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