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AFTER HERSHEL MADE SURE LU WAS GOOD, SHE WAS FEED, AND EVEN CHANGED her clothes. Hope was in the crib and Emma gave her, her necklace.

"Daryl found it." Emma says and Lu nods as her fingers traces over her last names. "He thought, you were dead. I did what you told me to do, I contacted Mr.Stark. I don't know if the message got to him." She says with teary eyes and Lu held her closely.

Lu kisses the top if her head, "You did what I taught you, you did good."

"Don't ever do that, don't leave us." Emma cries. "I thought I lost you, like I lost my mom and dad."

"You have my word, I won't do that, you wont lose me." Lu says calming the young girl in her arms, rocking them back and fourth.

Lu fell back asleep with Emma and Hope in the bed, she couldn't help but wake up every so often to make sure she was still with the girls.

LU HAD SPENT EVERY MINUTE SINCE SHE WOKE UP DOTING ON EMMA AND HOPE. She didn't want to lose them, she was terrified of the idea of losing them.

Axel asks, "You are good with her. You got little sisters?"

Beth says, "No."

Axel asks, "How old are you, anyway?"

Beth answers, "17."

Axel says, "17. Interesting." Lu and Carol share a look, before Carol speaks up, "May I speak with you?"

Axel asks leaving with Carol, "Me? I'll be right back."

"How are you feeling?" Beth asks Lu.

"I'm glad to be alive." Lu smiles softly.

"You scared us." Beth says.

"I know, I'm sorry." Lu says.

"You got nothing to be sorry for." Beth reminds her, Lu forgot how these people weren't used to what people on her earth were used to. Lu nods and let's Beth put Judith to so much needed sleep.

Hershel informs Carl, "Finally got Judith to sleep"

Carl asks, "How are we with formula?"

Hershel says, "We have enough to last us another month. Lu wants to transition Hope into mush food."

Carl says, "I'll take Carol or Lu for some more at the end of the week"

Beth says; "Your dad and the others will be back by then."

Carl says, "I don't know that. Right now, Judith is the only family I got."

"Carl, I'd do anything , Carol and I will go. We'll get the food." Lu told him, she didn't want to put the kid at risk. The group hear a woman screaming in the distance.

Beth asks, "What was that?"

Hershel says, "That was from inside."

Carl asks, "Was that Carol?"

Hershel says, "She's out keeping watch in the guard tower with Axel."

Beth asks, "What if they came back in for something? What if they're in trouble?"

Hershel says, "Let's check the tower, see if she's there."

Beth asks, "How could anyone else get in?"

Hershel says, "The tombs are filled with walkers that wandered in from outside." There's a woman screaming, again. Hershel says, "Someone else could have done the same thing."

Carl says, "I'm going."

Hershel says, "I can't let you go down there."

Carl cocks his gun, "My father would go."

"I'm going, to keep him safe." Lu says.

"You're still in recovery." Hershel says.

"I'll be fine as long as Carl is alive." She says, following Carl.


Carl gun cocks, "I'll take care of it"

"Carl." Lu's eyes widen.

Tyreese says, "Whoa! Whoa, kid. Wait a minute."

Carl tells them, "She doesn't have that long."

Sasha asks, "Who the hell are you? How did you get in here? Who are you with?"  

Carl says, "Look, we can help you. First things first."

"Carl, no." Lu says.

Tyreese says, "No, we take care of our own."

Allen protests, "No, Tyreese!"

Tyreese says, "I gotta do it. Look, just take Ben and lean against the wall. It'll be quick."

"It's okay. It's okay." 

Carl gives Lu a signal and they walk to their cells and close the door locking them in the cafeteria.

Sasha asks, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Tyreese says, "Kid, did you just lock us in here?"

Sasha says, "Open the door."

"No." Lu tells them.

Carl explains, "This room is secure. You'll be safe. You have food and water."

Sasha says, "Open this door."

Carl says, "I can't."

Sasha says, "Come on, man. We're not animals. Don't do this. Hey!" She bangs on the door and says, "You can't just leave us in here! Open this door! Open it! Now!" She continues to bang on the door.

Tyreese says, "Sasha! Back away from their door and let them go. Look around you. This is the best we've had it in weeks. Their house. We got other things to do. We don't want any trouble."

Beth asks, "Shouldn't we help them?"

Carl says, "I did."

"We can't risk anyone of us getting hurt." Lu tells them. "We're keeping them and us safe, and we don't know if they can actually stay. That's Ricks call." She says before walking over to Hope and taking her in her arms. She found Sophia and Emma playing slide and she gives them a smile. Now all they had to do was wait for the rest of the group to come back.

Words 901
I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I'm exited for the next chapters. Shits about to go down, don't forget to vote, comment, and share. Check out my other stories, and my tumblr account @ Wincherthottie . Stay safe, get your vaccines, wear your masks.
Updated July 28, 2021

 Updated July 28, 2021

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