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LU DID TAKE CLINTS ADVICE, HER DAUGHTERS AND HER MOVED TO A SECLUDED cabin. Her pregnancy was one that pushed her to make the right choice. For all of them. Nat would moved with her, helping her for the few weeks. Steve agreed to visiting and getting a place nearby, Steve wasn't in the front lines fighting but would help them prepare for fights, training them. He would take a step back from that too, only doing it part time. He wanted to help Lu as much as he could. He'd already missed so much in so little time, and being on the run before, also made him loose time with his daughter. Time he knew he couldn't get back.

EMMA, HOPE, AND LU, STOOD IN STEVE'S APARTMENT IN BROOKLYN, IN HER OLD BEDROOM, Emma and Lu packed things that they could use for their new place. "How about this?" Emma asks holding up a blue dinosaur plushie.

"You like it?" Lu asks.

Emma smiles nodding saying a small "yeah."

"It's yours now." Lu says.

"Really?" Emma asks surprised.

"Yeah. Once we arrive at the place we can go shopping for things we need and clothes." Lu says and Emma nods.

"There will be a lot of people, right?" Emma asks and Lu nods.

"We can try to find the time with the least people, to not overwhelm you two." Lu says and Emma nods liking her idea.

"I like that." Emma says smiling a little. "And what about school and everything?"

"One step at a time." Lu tells her and Emma nods.

THE CABIN WAS HELPED SET UP BY HER PARENTS, NAT WAS GOOD AT FINDING PLACES to hide, Steve offered his help anywhere he could, and Lu asked for him to help her with ordering and furnishing the rooms. While they did that, the girls stayed in Steve's apartment, it wasn't safe in the avengers compound, especially after the spell she did on Doctor St.James. Which she told no one about, but she was sure, her parents would know soon, Tony and Bruce would know and connect the dots. They work with him, she hadn't even told her parents or anyone about her pregnancy yet, only Bruce and Tony knew about it.

Now here she finds herself setting up for dinner, Steve and her cooked while Nat played with Emma and Hope in the living room.

"I heard about Shields offer to you." Steve says as he sets a plate down.

"You should know I declined it." She says.

"If you want to do it, your mom and I, you have our support." He says, "we can help you." He adds and she turns to look at her.

"This family has lost enough, we've given so much and I am tired of fighting." She tells him honestly. "My daughters only have one parent, me. I'm the last parent they have." She says grabbing the spoons and taking them to the table. "I want a normal life, I deserve one and being a part of Shield or the avengers doesn't include that." She says before walking back to the kitchen grabbing the pot and bringing it to the table. "Normal, thats what is best for us." She says and he nods.

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