Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.13

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A/N: Vigilante AU.

After having been shot three times in the stomach, Clover crumbles to the floor with a weak groan. The front of his shirt and his hands were now covered in blood. With a devilish smirk, Arthur places his foot on Clover's bullet wounds and presses down.

"AHHHH! STOP!" Clover cried out in pain.

Arthur takes his foot off of Clover and drags it on the asphalt to get the majority of the blood off of his shoe. 

"Aww, you poor thing. You look like you're in so much pain." Arthur said with mock sympathy.

He crouches down and presses the gun to Clover's temple.

"Shall I put you down like a d*mn dog?" Arthur asked menacingly.

"Go f**k yourself." Clover told him.

"Ooh, I don't think it's wise to insult someone who's holding a gun to your head." Arthur replied.

"Boss, we have to get out of here, the cops are on their way!" Emerald said.

"Oh, alright...he'll be dead before they get here anyway." Arthur said standing up.

"Has everything been loaded?" he asked her.

"Yes, sir." Emerald nodded.

"Alright then, I'll message Cinder and we'll be on our way." Arthur said taking out his walkie-talkie.

Meanwhile, Qrow was still fighting Cinder, Neo, and Hazel. Cinder's walkie-talkie started to go off so she had Hazel and Neo fight harder against the vigilante so she could answer it. 

"What do you want! I'm a little busy fighting Harbinger, who you said would be dead!" Cinder said angrily into the walkie-talkie.

"None of that matters, we got what we came for so lets go. Make it quick, the cops are on their way." Arthur replied.

"What do you want me to do with Harbinger?" Cinder asked.

"Oh, I think he'll be busy. I just shot his little sidekick." Arthur answered.

That comment caught Qrow's attention, giving him a massive pit in his stomach.

"He's bleeding out on the pavement as we speak." Arthur chuckled.

Fear and rage filled Qrow's mind and all he could think of was that he had to get to Clover. Suddenly Hazel grabs Qrow by the throat and throws him across the room. He crashes into a table of things and is knocked out. While he was unconscious, the villains escaped. When Qrow woke up he immediately searched for Clover. He finally found him outside of the far left side of the facility. As he got closer, he could see just how much blood his boyfriend had lost and feared that he was too late.

"Clover!? Clover, babe, please say something, please wake up!" Qrow shouted, desperately shaking his unconscious boyfriend's shoulders.

Clover's eyes slowly opened and lets out a weak cough. Qrow takes off his mask then wipes the tears from his eyes.

"Oh god, Clover, I'm so sorry. I never should've let you come...h*ll, I never should've let you into my life. You wouldn't be dying right now if it weren't for me." Qrow cried.

"Don't...say that...m-meeting you was...uhg...the best thing that...has ever happened to me." Clover replied.

"This...is...*cough*...my f-fault. You told me...to stay put, but I didn't. I...I-I went in unprepared, as an ex-military operative I should've known better. I...sh-should've known that it was a tactical mistake." he continued, his strength quickly fading.

"No, baby, you were just doing what you thought you had to do. God, you have a big heart and you're so brave. You're a far better person than I am." Qrow said grabbing Clover's hand and holding it tightly.

"Stop...putting yourself down so much. I really wish...you could see yourself the way I see you." Clover replied squeezing back.

Police sirens began to be heard in the far distance, but Qrow didn't care. Clover's breaths started to slow down and his eyes began to flutter.

"No! No no no no, stay with me, please! I-I could carry you out of here, get you to Pietro, h-he can fix you up, I know he can. Just please please please, hold on for me." Qrow begged, sobbing.

This was all too familiar to Qrow; losing the one you love because you weren't able to protect them the way you should. He's reminded of the day Summer died. Her and Qrow were in the bank when it suddenly was being robbed. Summer was the only one who stood up against them, Qrow didn't try to stop her, and then just like that she was shot dead in front of him.

"I should've stopped her...I should've thrown myself in front of her...I could've fought them off and protected her, but I didn't and now Ruby and Yang lost a mother and Tai lost a wife and I lost the only woman I have ever loved." Qrow thought to himself.

"Qrow...I'm sorry...I...I-I just can't...*cough*...can't hold on. Please forgive me. I...love you." Clover said, a single tear falling down his cheek.

The world seemed to slow down as Clover died. First his eyes fall shut, then he stopped breathing, and lastly his hand falls from Qrow's hold and lands with a soft thump onto the ground. Clover's last words rang in Qrow's head on repeat...that was the first time either one of them had said, "I love you", and now it was also the last.


Right now the unmasked vigilante is just wailing and crying over his lover's dead body, not knowing that he was attracting the attention of a police officer. Qrow's world was falling apart and his heart was shattering, so he literally didn't care how loud he was being...he didn't care about anything in that moment, but his own sorrow and grief. So, he didn't know anyone was behind him until he heard...

"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND STEP AWAY FROM MY ROOMMATE'S BODY, YOU SON OF A B**CH!!" said a very angry Robyn, pointing her gun at the vigilante.

Slowly, Qrow raises his hands, stands up, and turns around. Robyn's eyes widen when she comes face to face with the tear stained face of her best friend's boyfriend, who is apparently also the masked vigilante her boss has been after for years. She didn't know what to think...her roommate and best friend was lying dead in a pool of his own blood and the only other person around was his boyfriend, who is a dangerous vigilante, covered in his blood.

"Qrow? Wha...what did you do? What did you do!?" Robyn asked as her voice and hands shook.

This was the single most worst day of Qrow's life. His boyfriend was dead and the cop in front of him thinks he did it.

A/N: The End.........just kidding, I wouldn't do that to you guys. Not after what we all went through in Vol7 Ch12.

Snowbird/Fairgame Oneshots (But mostly Fairgame)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon