Fair Game: A Matter Of Life And Death pt.2

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When they heard the distress signal; Elm, Vine, Marrow, and Hariet make their way to Clover and Qrow as fast as they could. What they find was devastating. They found Clover sobbing hysterically while clinging to Qrow's lifeless, bloody body. None of them really knew what to do, they've never seen their leader like this.

"H-he's gone...she...she killed him." Clover cried.

"Sir, we have to go. I'll carry him to the airship." Elm said.

"No! I will." Clover replied clinging tighter to his dead boyfriend.

He stands up, cradling Qrow in his arms. When they were half way to the academy, Clover had become quiet, but the tears still flowed freely. Two medics placed Qrow's body on a gurney and wheeled him out of the hanger when the airship landed.

"I'm so sorry, Clover." Elm said hugging her friend.

Clover cries into Elm's shoulder for quite a while.

"W-who's...gonna tell the kids?" Marrow asked frowning with his tail tucked close to his body.

"I will. Qrow...he told me to tell them." Clover replied wiping his eyes.

"We'll inform the general, you go take a minute to compose yourself before you tell the kids." Hariet said.

"Okay." Clover mumbled.

While Clover went to his room, the other Ace Ops went to Ironwood's office.

"How did the mission go? Where's Clover and Qrow?" Ironwood asked.

"Umm...Qrow took a serious hit...h-he didn't make it, sir." Elm told him.

"What!? A-are you telling me Qrow's...dead!?!" Ironwood replied shocked.

"Sorry, sir. He is." Vine said.

Ironwood places his elbows on his desk then puts his head in his hands and takes a deep shuddering breath. Despite the arguing and not always getting along, Qrow was still his friend, and his death was a hard pill to swallow.

"Sir...are you going to be okay?" Marrow asked.

"I'm...I'm not sure, to be honest. This is a lot to take in. Can you give me a moment to...process all of this?" Ironwood answered.

"Of course, sir." Hariet nodded.

In the room he shared with Qrow, Clover is having a hard time accepting the death of his lover.

"I can't keep waiting around...they need to know." Clover said to himself.

He stands up then heads to the training room where team RWBY, team JN_R, and Oscar are.

"Uncle Clover, you're back from your mission....where's Uncle Qrow?" Ruby said walking up to Clover.

Clover almost broke down right there, but held back his emotions and kept his composure. He tried to speak, but he couldn't find the right words to say. Though, Yang had a feeling what Clover was struggling to tell them, his face...it was the same face Qrow had when he had to tell Tai about Summer.

"Uncle Clover....did...something bad happen to Uncle Qrow?" Yang asked, trying to stay calm.

Now all the kids looked scared and worried, and Clover hated seeing those expressions on their faces. Clover nods, biting his bottom lip.

"*gasp* Oh no, is he hurt?" Ruby asked worried.

"No...it's much worse than that...he's dead." Clover replied finally bursting into tears.

Ruby and Yang immediately start sobbing, clinging to each other, while the others were in complete shock. Clover hugs his dead boyfriend's nieces tightly, allowing them to cry their eyes out on his shirt.

"Qrow told me to tell you that...he loves you...all of you." Clover sobbed.

That's when the rest broke down crying, Blake and Weiss holding each other; and Jaune, Ren, Nora, and Oscar all holding each other. There wasn't a single dry eye in the room. Later, they were all in Clover's room just sitting in silence.

"Did he...suffer?" Nora asked quietly.

"No...not really." Clover replied.

"I just can't believe he's gone." Ruby cried.

Clover holds her close to his chest and gently rubs her head, trying to comfort her. Then, Yang gets up and stomps out of the room, her expression a mixture of anger and grief.

"Yang! Come back!" Blake called out running after her.

A few agonizing minutes of awkward silence passes.

"Uhg, no! We can't just accept this! There's gotta be a way to get him back!" Weiss shouted standing up and stomping her foot.

"How, Weiss? How are we gonna do that?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know!? Maybe Ozpin knows something...ask him Oscar! Ask Ozpin how we can bring Qrow back to life!" Weiss shouted, bordering on hysterical.

"Calm down, Weiss." Ren told her.

"No! I won't calm down! We've got to do something! We can't give up on him! He never gave up on us! Sure, he struggled to look after us, but at least he was willing to try! He's...he's one of the few adult male figures that actually gives a d*mn about me. I...I can't..." Weiss replied before covering her face with her hands and crying.

"Oh, Weiss." Ruby said unlatching herself from Clover and latching onto her partner, who instantly hugs back.

"Weiss is right...there has to be something we can do. I'll talk to Ozpin...see what he knows." Oscar said.

He walks out onto the balcony to have some peace and quiet to have a conversation with the other soul that's occupying his body. Never in his life has Clover felt as helpless as he does now. Here is just sitting and doing nothing while everyone else was trying to devise a plan to save his boyfriend. Clover can't bear to think about life without the man he loves more than anything. He doesn't want to sleep in a bed where Qrow won't be beside him. He doesn't want to have a movie night without Qrow to snuggle up with. He can't stand the thought of never holding Qrow's hand, or kissing his lips, or hearing his voice, or seeing his beautiful smile.

"Oh, gods, please bring my little bird back to me." Clover whispered to himself.

While everyone was waiting for Oscar, Blake and Yang came back into the room. Blake sits on the floor in front of the couch, then Yang lays with her head in the faunus's lap, who simply rubs her back softly and gently. Even though ten minutes had went by, it felt like ten hours.

"I hope you can see how much these kids truly love you, Qrow." Clover thought.

After another torturous ten minutes, Oscar comes back in from the balcony. Everyone has their eyes on him, waiting to see what he has to say.

"Ozpin told me about a way that might bring Qrow back...but we have to act quickly. The longer we wait...the more damage it'll do to him psychologically." Oscar explained.

This fills everyone with a small shred of hope. Hope that Ruby and Yang will get their uncle back, hope that the other kids will get their honorary uncle back, hope that Clover will get his boyfriend back.


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