Fair Game: My Boyfriend's A Vampire pt.4

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A/N: Vampire AU.

The day after Qrow's rendezvous with Ozpin, he's still pretty upset. He had gone on the walk to forget his awful past, but now he just can't get it out of his head.

It had been six years since Raven had abandoned her family after Yang was born. Summer, Qrow, and Tai missed her and wanted to know why she left. So, they hired a private investigator to track her down. When they got her location, Summer and Qrow went to go get her while Tai stayed with Yang and Ruby.

"Do you think she'll want to talk to us?" Summer asked Qrow.

"I don't know...but I doubt she'll want to come back with us. Once Raven makes a decision, she usually sticks with it...stubbornly." Qrow replied.

They pull up to the cabin in the woods that the private investigator tracked her down to. Then they knock on the door, and an unfamiliar man answered.

"Umm, hi, is Raven Branwen here?" Summer asked him.

"Yeah, she's here, come on in." the man said.

Qrow and Summer follow him inside. The interior of the cabin was dark, the curtains covering the windows, letting no sunlight in. The atmosphere was also very unnerving...making Qrow quite anxious. The strange man leads them into the living room, where Raven was sitting amongst a group of people.

"Hey, Raven, you got some visitors." the man told her.

"What the h*ll are you two doing here!?" Raven growled.

"We want answers, that's what." Qrow said.

"Raven, why did you leave us?" Summer asked her.

"Cause you all were holding me back. I don't belong with you pathetic weaklings, living a pitiful domestic life." Raven answered.

"Oh? And where exactly do you belong, then?" Qrow asked getting mad at his sister.

"Here. In this clan, where only the strong and powerful are accepted." Raven replied.

"Clan? What the f**k are you talking about?" Qrow asked baffled.

"Rae...why are your eyes red? Are those contacts?" Summer asked nervously as more people filled the room.

"No, Summer, they're not. My eyes are actually red. They're red because I'm a vampire now. Have been for four years now." Raven chuckled, smiling to reveal her fangs.

Summer gasps, taking a step closer to Qrow. Now they began to notice that everyone else had pale skin, red eyes, and fangs as well. The two realized that they were in a cabin full of vampires, and became very frightened.

"Alright, Raven, I think that's enough talking. Let's show your friends out before they get hurt." a woman said as she stood up from her chair.

"Is that a threat?" Qrow asked her.

"Yes, yes it is. Now leave! I'm the leader of this clan, and I want you out of here." the woman replied sternly.

"No! We're not leaving until you break whatever hold it is you have on Raven! You're obviously keeping her here against her will!" Summer shouted at the woman.

"You imbecile, she's here on her own accord. She chose to be here...she chose us over you...she doesn't care about you." the woman snickered.

"I don't believe you, you're lying! Let go of Raven you ugly b**ch!" Summer replied stepping closer to the clan leader, practically shouting in her face.

"You better watch your mouth, little one. It could get you killed." the clan leader snarled.

"I'm not scared of you." Summer said before slapping the woman across the face.

"Ohh...you messed up now. Tyrian...kill both of them...her first." the clan leader said holding her hand to her cheek.

A man with a dark, long braid smiles sinisterly and nods. As he crept towards Summer, she tries to make a run for it. But Tyrian speeds past her and is now in front of her. Summer skids to a stop with a surprised shriek. She tries to run away again, but Tyrian grabs her.

"Summer!" Qrow said, sprinting forward to try to help her, but three other vampires held him back.

"Let me go!" Summer cried, scared for her life.

"Aww, don't worry, pretty little human, it'll be over quickly." Tyrian giggled maliciously.

"NO!" Qrow screamed as Tyrian sank his fangs deep into Summer's throat.

"Raven, stop him! How can you just stand there!? We're your family! How can you betray us like this!?" he yelled at his sister trying to break free.

Within seconds, Summer's body is completely drained of blood. Qrow could only watch as Tyrian ripped his fangs out of Summer's neck, letting her shriveled up corpse fall to the floor.

"N-no...SUMMER! NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING, NOOOO! You b*stard, you killed her..." Qrow sobbed.

"Don't cry...you'll be joining her soon." Tyrian said turning towards him.

Qrow finally breaks free and tries to run away. Unfortunately, Tyrian catches up to him and slams him against a wall. The vampires grip was too strong for Qrow to fight off.

"Hold on, Tyrian." the clan leader ordered.

Raven whispers something into her ear, making the woman grin.

"Change of plans, Tyrian. Don't kill this one...turn him." the clan leader told him.

"With pleasure." Tyrian replied.

With his mouth and chin still dripping with Summer's blood, Tyrian latches onto the crook of Qrow's neck. The bite was so quick that Qrow didn't even have time to scream. Qrow could feel the blood being pulled from his body in waves. Just when he was about to pass out from blood loss, he felt some venom-like substance enter his system...causing a burning sensation to spread throughout his body. Tyrian lets go of Qrow and lets him slide down the wall to floor, unconscious. The next time he woke up, Qrow was in a tent chained to a pole. The pain that Qrow felt was so unfathomable, that all he could do was scream, writhe, and cry incoherently. Even though he was in too much pain to speak, Qrow was begging and pleading for death, just so the pain could end. 24 hours later, Qrow passes out again. When he comes to again, he has deep red eyes and sharp fangs.

"I gotta get out of here!" Qrow wept, voice trembling with fear.

He uses his newfound strength to break out of his restraints and runs far away before anyone could notice him or stop him. Qrow wanted to go back home...wanted the comfort of the family he loves...but there was no way he could look them in the eye knowing he got Summer killed. So...he went elsewhere and never looked back.

"They're better off without me, anyway." Qrow muttered, sitting on his couch hugging his knees to his chest.

And as if it happened yesterday and not twelve years ago, Qrow curls up on the couch and cries over the life and family he loved.

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