Fair Game: Clover's Parents

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A/N: Here's some background on Clover's amazing mom and dad.

Hair Color: Black(now silver/grey)
Eye Color: Teal
Height: 7"2'
Age: 69
Huntress Weapons: A sword(Hippolyta) and a lasso(Hestia)

Born in Mistral, Joanna Athens grew up a happy girl, despite having an absent father who had abandoned her. Growing up, she had always been much taller than all the kids her age...which made her a target for bullies. But no matter how much people picked on her, she remained just as sweet and kind. The only time she got upset at bullies was when they were picking on someone else. Joanna was a natural born hero, she always defended those who couldn't defend themselves. So, it was no surprise when she enrolled into combat schools to become a huntress. At Haven Academy, she was made the leader of team JSTC(justice). During her time at Haven and afterwards, Joanna became well known throughout Remnant as Joanna the Wondrous Huntress.

Hair Color: Brown(now grey)
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5"10'
Age: 68

Born in Mantle, Trevor Ebi grew up in a broken and abusive home. His father blamed him for the death of his mother and mistreated him for it. So, at an early age, Trevor learned to defend himself; and he learned how to avoid unnecessary conflict. When Trevor turned 18, he joined the Atlas Military to get away from his abusive father. Four years later, he became a highly respected pilot.

How they met

Team JSTC was in Atlas helping the military with something. While fighting a flying Grimm, Joanna was picked up by the monster and dropped from high in the sky. She had ended up face planting on the windshield of an airship, startling the pilot. Before jumping off of the airship, Joanna gives a friendly wave to the pilot. Later on, that same airship crashed into the water with the pilot still inside; so Joanna jumps in after it and rescues the pilot...who turned out to be Trevor Ebi. Back at the academy, he thanks her for saving his life. He also complimented her strength...and her beauty, making her blush. Then he asks her out on a date, to which she said yes.

Their relationship

Joanna and Trevor were absolute couple goals. They adored each other. Trevor would always referr to Joanna as his goddess; he basically worshipped her. They could always be themselves around each other, no matter how goofy or silly, neither were embarrassed to be who they were. After three years of dating, Trevor proposed to Joanna at an Atlas Ball. They got married in Mistral.(It was Joanna that carried Trevor over the threshold).

Becoming parents

Two years after they got married, Joanna got pregnant. At first she was afraid to tell Trevor, she didn't want what happened to her mother to happen to her. She finally told him when she was two months pregnant, where he assured her that he was always going to be there for her and their child. When they found out they were having a boy, Joanna and Trevor went nuts trying to find the perfect name. One day while having a picnic in Mistral, Joanna is lost in thought trying to think of a name for her baby boy. While thinking, Trevor hands her a four-leaf clover he had found.

"Ya know these are one in a million." Joanna tells him.

"Oh? Like you...and him." Trevor said giving a kiss to her lips then another kiss to her baby bump.

Looking at that four-leaf clover in her hand and thinking of what Trevor said, Joanna came up with the perfect name for their son. Clover was born in Atlas, on March 17. Joanna and Trevor raised him in Atlas, with the occasional trip to Mistral to visit Joanna's mother. Throughout Clover's life, Joanna and Trevor gave him all the love and support they could possibly give. They were amazing parents that raised an amazing man. Even in adulthood, Clover would always go to his parents when he had a problem he didn't know how to solve; he could always rely on them...even now. Joanna and Trevor are very proud of the man their son grew up to be...and they are also very proud that their son has found someone to love. They absolutely adore Clover's boyfriend, Qrow; and treat him like he's their own son.

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