Fair Game: Sundrop pt.4

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A/N: Atlas Ball. And Clover gets seriously injured on a training mission.

Year two of Atlas Academy....

The Atlas Ball was tonight, and team CPPR was getting ready. Rose was just finishing up Punzie's hair when Clover and Phillip came out of the bathroom where they were getting ready.

"Well, you ladies look absolutely lovely." Clover said.

"Awww, thank you!" Punzie replied.

"Dang, Clover, if you weren't gay, I swear you could have any woman you want with that charm." Rose said.

"Yeah, if you were straight, I'd have no chance at getting a date, cause the girls would just be all over you." Phillip added.

"You'd still have a chance, Phillip. You're a nice guy, and handsome too. Besides...girls love kittycats." said Clover.

"F**k you, man." Phillip laughed.

"Is that an invitation?" Clover winked.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Phillip said playfully punching his friend's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Unfortunately you're straight, or else I would've already asked you out. Scrawny moody guys are totally my type." Clover replied.

"Maybe there's cute guys at the ball. You could be my wingman and I could be your wingwoman. It'll be fun, Clover!" Punzie said.

"Yeah, that would be fun." Clover said wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"Come on, everyone, lets get going." he said as him and Punzie headed towards the door.

"Phil, your tie is crooked." Rose said straightening his tie.

"Thanks, and don't call me "Phil", that name sounds douchey." Phillip said.

They get to the ball and start having some fun.

"Clover, come dance with me!" Punzie said hugging Clover's arm.

"Okay, Punz." Clover replied smiling.

He takes her out onto the dance floor, holds her hand in one hand and places the other hand on the small of her back. Punzie puts her free hand on Clover's shoulder then tucks her head under his chin.

"Do you really think that I look beautiful tonight?" Punzie asked.

"Punzie, you're beautiful all the time." Clover answered.

Punzie blushes then looks towards a far wall. Clover looks in that direction and sees a guy with dark brown hair leaning against the wall with his arms folded.

"You've been eyeing him all night. You like him?" Clover teased.

"Yeaaahhh...so do you think he'll like me?" Punzie replied.

"Won't know if you don't ask him. Just ask him to dance, I'm sure he'll say yes. You're adorable and fun to be around, anyone who doesn't think so is an idiot." Clover told her.

"Okay, I'll ask him, but first you have to give me a little good luck kiss." Punzie said.

"Okay, sundrop." Clover chuckled before gently kissing her forehead.

Punzie takes a deep breath then scurries over to where the guy was. Clover grabs a drink then sits down at one of the tables. A minute later, he sees Punzie dancing happily with the guy she liked. He really enjoyed seeing her smile so wide. After a few more songs, Punzie and the other guy come over to where Clover is.

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