Soulmate AU

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Requested by: Jenni_thewolffaunus

When Qrow wakes up on the morning of his 18th birthday, he's...for once...excited. Today was the day when the first words his soulmate is going to say to him will appear on his skin. He looks down at his wrist and frowns at what he sees. In black letters was..."Watch it, old man!".

"What the h*ll!" Qrow groaned.

28 Years Later...

Qrow is walking in the halls of Atlas Academy, looking at his dumb soulmate mark. He couldn't believe that the first words his soulmate is going to say is basically an insult. Because he wasn't really paying attention to where he was going, he accidentally bumps into a young white haired woman.

"Watch it, old man!" she said bitterly.

"I. AM. NOT. OLD!!!" replied Qrow annoyed.

Then he realized what she just said. And he sees her eyes widen in realization.

"No...way." both of them said.

"You've got to be kidding me! How are you my soulmate? We have nothing in common! H*ll, you're fifteen years older than me!" the woman growled folding her arms.

"I agree. I don't even know your name!" Qrow replied.

"It's Winter. Winter Schnee." said Winter.

"Oh, great! My soulmate is a spoiled rich brat!" grumbled Qrow.

"I am not a spoiled brat, you drunk oaf!" Winter snapped back.

The two argue and bicker for the next ten minutes. Only when they were paired together on mission after mission, did Qrow and Winter start to get along. Soon the bickering turned more playful and flirty rather than angry and annoyed. And before they knew it, the two fell in love with each other.

"I guess we're great soulmates after all." Winter said after kissing Qrow for the first time.

"Yeah...I guess we are." Qrow smirked, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her back.

Their love only grew stronger from there. Whenever one needed the other, they were there. They stood by each other through thick and thin. Their differences didn't matter, their age difference didn't matter...all that mattered was their love for each other.

A/N: Sorry it was short. But I guess some things are better short and sweet. LOL, like me, I'm short and sweet😊.

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