Fair Game: Hoodie Thief

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Qrow was bored and lonely...very bored and lonely. His boyfriend, Clover, was on a mission with the other Ace Ops way outside of Mantle. He missed him and wanted nothing more than to hold and kiss the man he loves. The huntsman pulls out his scroll and calls his boyfriend.

"Hi, honey." Clover said answering the call.

"Hey, babe." Qrow said.

"What's up, Qrow?" Clover asked.

"Nothing much...just miss you." Qrow replied.

"Haha, I miss you too, hun." Clover chuckled.

"Look, honey, I gotta go. I'll call you when I'm on my way home." he added.

"But that won't be until tomorrow." Qrow pouted.

"I know, you're a big boy, you'll survive one more day without me." Clover laughed.

They say goodbye and then hang up. Qrow tosses his scroll onto the coffee table and flops onto the couch with a dramatic sigh. He just lays there, staring at the ceiling. The boredom, Qrow can tolerate, but the loneliness...that's what's driving him nuts. That's when an idea comes to mind. He gets up and grabs Clover's favorite hoodie from the bedroom. Sitting back on the couch, Qrow puts the oversized hoodie on. The piece of clothing still had Clover's scent on it, so Qrow buries his face into it and breathes in deep. He exhales a blissful sigh and curls up on the couch. Now feeling a lot less lonely, Qrow is comfortable enough to take a nap on the couch wearing his boyfriend's hoodie.

"Honey, I'm home early!" Clover called out walking into the apartment, later that night.

He finds Qrow nestled on the couch fast asleep. Then he noticed that he was wearing his hoodie...his favorite one.

"Welp, pretty sure I just lost my hoodie." Clover said scooping up his sleeping boyfriend.

Clover carries Qrow to the bedroom and tucks him into bed. Next he changes clothes and joins his boyfriend in bed, who sleepily grabs onto him and nuzzles his face into his chest. With a smile, Clover runs his fingers through Qrow's hair and kisses his head.

"So, this is what you do when I'm not here? You steal my clothes?" Clover whispered giggling.

All he gets in response is a sleepy grunt. In the morning, Qrow is confused when he wakes up in bed instead of the couch. He's also confused to be waking up in Clover's arms, but he's not complaining, of course not.

"Morning, hoodie thief." Clover yawned.

Qrow looks down at himself and remembered that he was wearing Clover's hoodie.

"So, whatever, you were gone. I had to have something to cope with the loneliness." Qrow said unapologetically.

"It's warm, cozy, and smells like the handsomest guy in the world; sorry, but, you ain't getting this back." he added, clinging to the piece of clothing.

Laughing, Clover pulls Qrow to his chest and kisses him passionately.

"Ya know, if you didn't look so adorable in that hoodie, I would've just taken it off of you by force." Clover told him.

"Lucky me, I guess." Qrow replied winking.

Clover kisses Qrow again, with even more passion and love. What was once Clover's hoodie was now Qrow's. That was until it started to lose Clover's scent; then Qrow would let Clover wear it again, and then steal it back.

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