Fair Game: The Black Bird of Vale pt.6

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A/N: Vigilante AU.

Clover and Qrow were really enjoying their date so far. Qrow was currently telling Clover about his nieces.

"They sound wonderful." Clover said.

"They are wonderful, I love them so much. They were the ones who gave me the kick in the pants I needed to do this whole dating thing." Qrow told him.

"Well, guess I'll have to thank them, cause without them I wouldn't have met you." Clover said reaching across the table and laying his hand on top of Qrow's.

Qrow didn't know if his cheeks could turn any redder...but they did. The rest of the date was amazing; they laughed and joked, and they shared dessert. Then when the date was over, Clover walks Qrow to his car.

"I had a lot of fun tonight, Qrow." Clover said smiling.

"Me too." Qrow giggled.

"Do you....wanna make this a regular thing?" Clover asked stepping closer to Qrow.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Qrow asked blushing and looking at his feet.

And, before Qrow knew it, his hand was being held and his cheek was being kissed.

"Does that answer your question?" Clover whispered in Qrow's ear.

It was this moment that reminded Qrow what it felt like to be lovestruck, it felt like he was young again. With Clover around, Qrow's inner demons were silent, there was no dark or negative thoughts running rampant in his head. He felt...good in Clover's presence.

"Well, okay there, lucky charm, you got yourself a boyfriend." Qrow chuckled before grabbing Clover's face and kissing his lips.

Kissing back, Clover holds Qrow's hips and pulls him closer.

"Call me when you get home, so I know you made it back safe." Clover said after pulling out of the kiss.

"Okay." Qrow replied getting into his car.

When he got to his apartment, Qrow calls Clover and tells him he got home okay. Then, he gets on his laptop and video calls his nieces.

"Judging by that smile and that dreamy look in your eyes, I'm guessing that the date went well?" Yang said smugly.

"Yeahhhh...." Qrow answered, trying to hide the pink flush of his cheeks.

"AWWWW!" Ruby cooed.

"Did he kiss you?" she asked him.

"Umm...yes, he kissed me on the cheek. Then I...kissed him on the lips, and he kissed back." Qrow told them.

"Ooooooh!" Yang and Ruby gasped.

"Are you guys boyfriends now?" Yang asked.

"Yes, yes we are." Qrow replied.

"YAY!" Ruby cheered.

"Well, kiddos, in gonna go to bed." Qrow yawned.

"Night, Uncle Qrow, we love you." Ruby and Yang said.

"Love you too." Qrow said before ending the video call.

Back at Clover's apartment, he goes on and on about his date with Qrow to Robyn.

"Aw, look at you, you're just a smitten kitten, aren't you?" Robyn said.

"Okay, yeah, that's true." Clover agreed.

He flops onto the couch with a blissful sigh.

"He's just....amazing." Clover said, unable to stop smiling.

"Dude, this lovesick teenager thing you've got going here is just too d*mn adorable." Robyn laughed lightly.

For the next month, Qrow and Clover are with each other frequently, when they're not at work...or out doing vigilante things. Even though, Qrow feels a little bad about keeping this big secret from his boyfriend, he knows that it would keep him safe. Right now, they were getting intimate in Clover's bedroom. Luckily, Robyn was out with her girlfriend, Fiona. Qrow had his back pressed against the mattress and Clover was stradling him.

"Ahh, Clover." Qrow purred, as his boyfriend gave his neck hot, hungry kisses.

Hearing his name being called out like that entices Clover to kiss Qrow's neck harder and rougher. His hand slowly travels down Qrow's body and stops at his pants. He gives Qrow's belt a little tug, silently asking for permission.

"Oh, lucky charm, you go right ahead." Qrow groaned.

Having Qrow's consent, Clover unhooks his belt, undid the button of his pants, then pulls down his zipper. But, before anything else could happen, Qrow's phone starts ringing.

"Uhhhggg!" Qrow groaned annoyed.

Clover gets off of him so he could grab his phone. Qrow saw that the one calling him was Pietro.

"You better have a d*mn good reason for calling me right now." Qrow grumbled.

"Qrow...I think she's back." Pietro told him, in a very serious tone.

Qrow's eyes widen and his grip on his phone tightens.

"I'll be there soon." Qrow said before quickly hanging up.

"Is something wrong, honey?" Clover asked putting a hand on Qrow's knee.

"It's nothing major, I promise, babe." Qrow said giving Clover's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It's just a minor inconvenience. I'm sorry, but I have to go." he added while fixing his pants and putting his shoes on.

"It's fine. See ya tomorrow." Clover said.

"See ya." Qrow replied pecking Clover's lips.

As soon as he got to his car, he heads straight for the lair.

"What the f**k do you mean she's back? I ran that b**ch out of town three years ago!" Qrow asked Pietro.

"Well, I was checking the computers, looking for any criminal activity. And I saw this traffic photo of someone running a red light. The driver in the photo is Cinder Fall, there's no doubt about it." Pietro explained.

He then shows Qrow the photo on one of the many computer monitors. The woman shown in the photo was indeed Cinder Fall, notorious crime boss. She, her goons, and Qrow had fought many times. Three years ago, Qrow thought he was rid of her when she left Vale. But now, she was back, which meant that the crime rate in the city will definitely increase.

"Why is she back, what is she up to?" Qrow asked, getting agitated.

"I don't know, but it can't be anything good." Pietro sighed.

"Let's just keep an eye out for her." Qrow said pinching the bridge of his nose.

A couple days later, Clover is hanging out with Qrow at his apartment. They were cuddled on the couch watching tv. Suddenly, the news interrupts what they were watching.

"Just thirty minutes ago, popular opera singer, Weiss Schnee was abducted while leaving the Vale Opera House after a performance." said the news anchor.

Then it shows security footage of the abduction. A white van had pulled up, then two large men came out, grabbed the poor girl, threw her into the van, then sped off.

"The insignia on the bandanas that the kidnappers wore, suggests that they are members of the Burning Embers Gang, led by Cinder Fall." the news anchor said.

"Oh my god, that's Commissioner Schnee's little sister." Clover said.

"Do you think they'll ransom her?" he asked.

"Most likely, her dad is loaded." Qrow replied.

Qrow tells Clover that he got a text from his boss and needed to go. He hated lying like that, but he had to make an excuse to leave so he could go out and find the younger Schnee daughter as Harbinger. Hopefully he'll be able to find her before she gets hurt...or worse.

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