Fair Game: Coma pt.2

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A/N: Warning: Grab your tissues, cause this contains high levels of feels.

Qrow's body was flatlining, and a shadowy figure crept closer and closer as several doctors and nurses work hard to save Qrow's life.

"GET THE DEFIBRILLATORS!" shouted a doctor.

A nurse grabs the device and gets it started up.

"CLEAR!" said a nurse.

The paddles are placed on Qrow's chest, sending an electric shock that causes his body to jerk upwards. This process is repeated several times. Qrow looks over and sees his family standing in the doorway, completely horrified, watching everything. Then he turns his attention back to the shadowy figure, who was now standing at his bedside, hovering over his body. The figure reaches its bony hand towards Qrow's body.

"Get away from my body!!" Qrow shouted, lunging towards the figure.

He was surprised to find out that he was able to grab a hold of the figure. So, he takes the chance to push the figure away. When the heart monitor starts beeping again, Qrow no longer felt any pain and the figure disappears.

"That was a close one." sighed a nurse.

"Yeah...too close." replied a doctor.

Qrow looks back at the doorway and sees his family in complete distress. Everyone was crying, Tai hugging Yang, and Clover hugging Ruby. The second the doctors and nurses leave the room; Ruby, Yang, Clover, and Tai rush into the room and surround the bed.

"What the h*ll was that thing?" Qrow asked himself.

"I gotta do something, I can't just stand around waiting to die." he muttered leaving the room.

The huntsman soon finds out that he can't leave the hospital, it was like there was an invisible barrier keeping him in the building. Qrow searches all over the hospital, searching for someone...anyone who can see or hear him.


"I can hear you." a young voice answered.

Qrow whips around and sees a little blonde girl standing in front of him. The girl had braided pigtails and a white dress. She looked to be around ten or eleven.

"I can see you too." said the girl.

"Y-you can see...and hear me?" Qrow asked her.

The girl smiles and nods.

"Oh, thank the gods!" Qrow sighed in relief.

He almost wanted to hug the little girl.

"What's your name? I'm Qrow." Qrow said.

"I'm Angel Bailey. How come no one else can see or hear us?" Angel replied.

"Wait...no one can see you either?" Qrow asked her.

"Nuh-uh. Does that mean we're dead?" Angel answered.

"Well, I'm not sure about you. But I'm not dead, at least not yet." replied Qrow.

"Look, kid, have you seen a...scary looking shadowy figure?" he asked Angel.

"Yes...I saw the reaper." Angel nodded.

"Reaper?" Qrow said confused.

"Mhm. The spirit that takes people away when it's their time to die." Angel explained.

"W-what? N-no, nononono. I-I'm not ready to go." Qrow said.

"Well, mommy says that we don't choose when it's our time. The reaper does." Angel told him.

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