Warriors Pride

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After a long journey I arrive just outside the Atlas kingdom but as I watch the other sins gathering their troops ready for the final battle the sound of horses approaching caught my ears as you look as the others riding towards me. "[Fn]" Victoria says with as happy smile on her face before she jumps into my arms as the others stop and walk over to me. "Jeez your a pain in the ass but were glad to have you back" Rex said as I nod before smiling at Victoria as we all look at the kingdom.

"Well it looks like we all have one hell of war on our hands" Josh tells us as I step in front of everyone. "Listen up on this day we fight not only for freedom but for peace the way I see it the biggest threat is the sins that is why me, Rex, Tiffany, Josh, Toby and Victoria will be the ones taking them on" I tell them as everyone was surpirsed that I chose Toby and Victoria before I walk over to Toby. "Toby listen to me I can grant you the power of the sin of sloth just know if you do take it then it is with you until you die" I told him as he nods and I transfer the sloth sin to Toby as we all begin walking towards the front gates.

As we get ever closer our speed picks up and we rush into the city before splitting up looking for the other sins while our forces take on the army of shadows. Rex runs through the city taking out any opponent in his path before stopping at an open area with what looked like cuts in the ground as the sound of foot steps slowly approach as a man walks from behind some rubble. "So your my opponent interesting a beastman not that it matters after all who refuse us shall fall" the man says as and explosion comes from out of nowhere catching Rex in his back as he stumbles forward.

"What the hell was that I never saw the attacker" Rex says as he looks at the man and rushed towards him watching for any other attackers but is soon caught by another explosion but this one was much stronger sending him back. "This as far as you go no matter how much power you have it's useless against me" the man said as Rex gets back to his feet while tearing his damaged shirt off before rushing at him again but just like before he gets caught by a strong explosion causing Rex to bleed as he is sent flying back. "I got it the secret of you power it's the marks on the ground" Rex says as he see the man smile before standing up while holding his arm.

"Impressive you are indeed correct I created the marks with my weapon but I feel you know more than your letting on" the man says as Rex smiled. "I noticed that every time I get close to you te explosions get stronger which means the closer I am to you the more powerful the explosion" Rex says as the man just smiled before giving a clap. "I am impressed you learned that so quick but knowing is only half the battle after all your up against Mitsuki the sin of pride" Mitsuki says as Rex just pulls out Shinamaru and begins rushing towards him.

"Useless" Mitsuki says as he sets off an explosion but to his surprise Rex dodged it an continues on his attack with explosions coming left, right and centre but they all missed as Rex slashed Mitsuki cutting his chest. "Impossible how did you know" Mitsuki says as Rex show Shinamaru while smiling. "For 3 years I trained with the earth dragon Solidus and thanks to that I can sense your attacks and avoid them with ease but I know you have more fight in you than this right" Rex says as Mitsuki smiled before a spell activates around them.

"I deem you worthy when this battle is done the true sin of pride will be made" Mitsuki says as he watched Rex ready for battle leaving no sign of a weak spot. *So this is my fate but I will not lose even if that mean I become the new sin of pride* Rex thought as Mitsuki looks at him and used telepathy. "Rex I respect you as a warrior and ask you to please bring honour back to the sins Envy is not himself and if I am destined to fall I'm glad it's by your hands" Mitsuki says with telepathy as Rex nods before they ready for the conclusion of their battle with both sides wanting victory.

As they ready their attack the raw power could not be contained as the ground shakes and crumbles beneath before disappearing with the final pebble hitting the ground they rush at each other. "FEEL MY ULTIMATE ATTACK EXPLOSION PILLAR" Mitsuki shouts as Rex is sent flying into the sky with chunks of rubble surrounding him which soon explode causing Mitsuki to smile before Rex is shot towards him. *This guy is crazy he used my explosions to propel himself like a rocket at me and when I use explosion pillar my body can't move so it should only be used as a last resort well played* Mitsuki thought as Rex draw Shinamaru before slashing down his chest but leaving no mark.

"Just know I respect you as a warrior and I will be a worth sin of pride on my honour as a warrior" Rex says as shards of the broken earth come flying at Mitsuki like bullets from a gun causing him to bleed with a smile on his face. "Looks like you beat me just know that know I'm thankful to of seen this world but know I'll see the future" Mitsuki tells Rex as he crumbles to dust while the sin floats into Rex's body before he continues heading for the castle where Envy would be waiting.

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