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Last time we saw Adam expose you as the son of Dracula causing the people to fear you for no reason but out of his own hate.

In the Pit

I look weakly around the cell I'm hanging in it was cold and dark my body scarred from the whippings as Adam walks in smiling. "Look at them give them the truth and their fear is revealed but in the end it doesn't matter after all soon this kingdom will have a true leader" Adam said as I look at him and then at the screen. "Adam listen to me makeing this kingdom feel fear will not achieve your goal" I tell him as he spins round to give me a punch to the stomach and cough up blood.

"A princess who has fallen in love with a monster like you doesn't deserve that title and so a new leader must rise and destroy the old" Adam told me as I watch him walk towards the door. "Adam please leave Victoria out of this" I tell him weakly as he stopped to look at me 1 more time. "She chose her side and now I must put an end to her what happens now is your fault" Adam said as he walks out the door leaving me in silence as I grip my fists tight drawing blood as it drip down my arms.

At the castle

Victoria was walking through the halls before hearing voices at the main gate looking to see Toby and the other being stopped by the guards. "Let us through we need to see Victoria so she can help [Fn]" Toby said as the guards just keep pushing him away from the gate. "The princess will have nothing to do with that devil now leave or die" the guards say pointing their weapons at Toby and the others who were ready to fight.

"ENOUGH" the king shouts as the guards look at him as he allows Toby and his friends in as Victoria joins them. "Please you need to save him and the others that are in the pit" Rex said as he bows to the king who quickly gets his men together and ride off for the pit with Toby, Rex, Tiffany and Josh following just behind.

At the pit

I'm just hanging in silence before I hear a faint sound coming from above and I quickly try to break free with no success. "Come on [Fn] this is nothing" I tell myself and I struggle even harder but I soon hear the chains crack until they burst apart and I fall to the floor and move over to the door which I crush the lock to escape. I search the floor looking for other captured monster finding a couple some young and some old but they all want freedom.

"Listen follow me and you will all be free to go home but I have a rule no killing humans" I tell them as they all stand while I break the locks allowing them to walk out and we all run for the exit but as we do we free all the other monsters on the way soon coming to the arena where Adam set his trap. "You freaks will return to your cells or die" Adam said as I step forward to protect them at all cost which gave Adam a smile.

"Adam as the prince of monsters and Dracula's son I refuse to let you torture these people any longer so move or you will be sorry" I say but he just removes his coat allowing him to move more freely. "To the death then" Adam said as he draws his sword and I stand ready to fight before rushing at him quickly but I dodge his blade as I know he would of made it to hurt me like he did with the whip. As I avoid his attack I give him a jab to the face causing him to stumble allowing me to go on the offensive but he rebounds quickly as we continue to fight me never letting him get close to the monsters behind me until an explosion came from the main door of the pit and the king stands with his guards causing Adam to stop and surrender.

"[Fn]" Toby says as he walks over to me catching me as all the stength I had left fades from my body. "Took you long enough" I asked as Rex, Josh and Tiffany walk over to us. "Your a true warrior" Rex says as the king walks over to us and smiled at me as the monsters look at me before coming over to us but my focus was on Adam being taken away with only hate in his eyes.

After a long ride back to the castle I see the people staring at me after learning about who I am this was a part of my life I wanted to hide for a long time but at the same time I respect my father because he made peace with humans because of me but things would change once we reach the castle. "Victoria" I say as Victoria smiled at me after I get in the castle the cloak I was wearing to protect me from the sun was gone as I hold Victoria in my arms before I hear a familiar voice. "I'm glad your ok" the voice said as I soon come face to face with none other than my father Dracula.

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