Trial of dragons (Part 1)

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In the last chapter Adam was defeated, the pit shut down and of course your father Dracula showed up.

"Dad" I say as he walks over to me and holds me tight and I return his hug as this was the first time he showed emotion in public. "I'm so happy your ok when I heard that Adam fellow reveal who you were I got scared that I might lose my son" Dracula said as we split and I feel him rub my head like a child and while it should be embarrassing it actually felt nice as it showed just how much he care about me. "It's good to see you again Dracula my old friend" the king said as Dracula looked at him before shaking his hand.

"Thank you for saving my son and it's good to see you too Marcus" Dracula tells him as Marcus just smiled before sitting in his throne. "Where is Adam" I asked as I had an idea of Marcus's answer. "I can't overlook his actions so I have had him taken straight to a holding cell until I can choose a suitable punishment" Marcus told me as I feel sorry for Adam it's not his fault he was raised in a family of monster hunters but at the same time he did need to be punished until a loud eplosion could be heard and we all rush outside only to see Adam leading his followers towards the castle.

"Dad get Marcus and Victoria out of here the rest of us need to buy them time" I tell him as me and the others head for the gate and since I was able to use magic again I quickly create a field to block out the sun allowing me to fight along side the others as Adam reach the castle gate. "Move a side half breed I'm here for the devil himself and for the king and Victoria traitors to humanity" Adam says as we ready to fight but I had something to say. "Over my undead body" I tell him as they rush at us but our skills give us a slight edge Rex being a skilled warrior trains for both hand to hand and ranged combat, Josh is actually a cheat since his slime body doesn't feel physical attack, I keep to the front taking on wave after wave and Tiffany stays behind us to give support.

After a couple minutes we start to get overpowered as we had taken down almost half their numbers before I catch a sound coming towards us. "SOMETHINGS COMING" I shout as me, Rex, Josh and Tiffany are grabbed by huge scaly hands only for me to look and see a dragon as it flew away with us. "What's going on" Josh asked as we soon look down and see the ground below before a voice was heard.

"I am taking you to your trials" the voice said but we couldn't see the source until the dragon looked at us. "Guys I think this dragon used telepathy" I say as the dragon nods before taking us to the ground which was surrounded by old ruins. "Hold on I know this place" I said as the stood up with it's front arms crossed looking at us.

"I see you remember good where you stand is what remains of the temple of 4 elements my name is Drago the great flame" Drago said as 3 more dragons appear around us and a large stone appear in the centre. "This is the pillar of dragons if your worthy then you should be able to read this" another dragon covered in rock tells us as we walk over to the pillar. "Can anyone read it because I can't" Rex asked as Josh and Tiff shake their heads but not me a I could read it as if it was in english but soon they all change as Rex, Josh and Tiffany could now read it.

"In times of war 4 heroes will rise aided by dragons of earth, fire, water and air and these 4 will become known as dragon champions" we say as the pillar glows and soon disappears as the dragons look at us. "You all pass the first test and now the real trial can begin" another dragon who had a body made of water told us as we all got picked up by a dragon Josh got water, Rex got earth, Tiffany got wind and I had fire as we all got taken away in different directions. "Hey Drago how long will this trial be" I asked as he placed me on his head so I could see the land better.

"It will take 3 years but don't worry about your friends Dracula will keep them safe" Drago said as I smile before looking at the sky which was slowly turning to night. "Drago why did you and the others choose us out of everyone in the world I mean you know my father which mean you've spoken to him before" I asked as Drago just nods slightly as to not cause me to fall. "I do know your father but you were chosen by fate as the 7 sins are making their move you already met pride and I also believe envy has finally been chosen" Drago tells me as I think about his answer and suddenly the thought came to me.

"Hold do you mean Adam is envy" I asked as Drago nods slightly again as we pass through some clouds. "When I grabbed the 4 of you I saw the hate and resentment in his eyes plus his magic reek of envy I have no doubt he is now 1 of the 7 sins however wrath has yet to appear which is good for that sin is the most powerful" Drago tells me as he lowers and we arrive at another temple. After walking inside I see Drago stand in front of me as the room lights up lava flowing around me as the intense heat rises as my trial was about to begin.

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