Rise Of Champions

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In the last chapter you were revealed to be the sin of wrath and had just got back to training for 3 years in the hopes of beating the other members of the 7 sins.

3 Years Later

It had been a long time since you began training with Drago but as time moved forward all new dangers rise from the darkest shadows and sink in the deepest waters but light always finds away to shine. "Geez it's so fucking hot" a mystery traveller said as he walks across a piece of dry land which leads to a forest before some elves surround him with their weapons ready to attack. "This must be the elf forest of Shadana in that case" he said before the ground begins to shake as he pulls out a sword.

"LETS GIVE DRACULA A CALL SHINAMARU" he shouts before stabbing the ground lifting himself up which caught Dracula's attention before heading to a small village. "So your the 1st back but did you have to make a show Rex" Dracula asked as Rex removed his hood which revealed him sporting a moustache as he sits down before 2 more voices call out. "Rex" the voices cal out as everyone looks and they see Josh and Tiffany approaching Tiffany was flying while Josh was surfing.

"Wow you guys look great but you most of all Tiffany" Rex said as he admires her figure she had large breasts and a plump butt showing her maturity. "I take it [Fn] isn't here yet" Josh said before Dracula nods while they wait for your arrive Victoria just sits in her room looking out at the wide blue sky before spotting something in the air and runs down to the gate where everyone else noticed. As the thing flew over head someone drops down standing in front of Victoria but as she looks at the persons face a sense of joy swallowed her as the mystery man turns lifting his cowboy hat slightly giving them a clear look at my face.

"Son" Dracula said as I walk closer but they all see me about to step into the sun light and try to stop me but as I walk in the sun light their eye widen shock as I was not burning I actually looked like a normal human. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT VAMPIRES CAN'T WALK IN SUN LIGHT" Rex shouts in shock as I smile before looking at Victoria over my shoulder. "Yeah vampires can't good thing I'm half angel right dad" I tell them as everyone looked at Dracula who just nods before we all head inside to talk about the past 3 years.

At the Atlas kingdom

"Sophie come on" Toby says as they walk through the city dodging all soldiers that were walking the streets. "Toby look" Sophie told him as they see 5 monsters walking into the castle before 1of them looks in their direction so they quickly get out of sight. "Taka deal the rats will you" a member of the 5 said as Mitsuki pulls out his bow and arrow aiming it at Sophie first.

"Sophie move" Toby said as he covers her getting hit in the back by 1 of Mitsuki's arrows before making a run for the gate. "Oh looks like they got away no matter for once the day end so too will his life" Mitsuki says before walking inside as Toby and Sophie manage to get out the city. "I think we made it lets meet up with the others" Toby tells Sophie as he removes the arrow and continue on their way back to the elf forest.

Meanwhile the 5 monsters who entered the castle all meet up at the throne room where their leader was waiting for them. "So 6 of the 7 are here but where is wrath" a member of the 7 sins asked as their leader speaks. "He's with Dracula as his son is the new sin of wrath" the leader said as the others look at him.

"It's like before wrath is betraying us" another member says as they all nod but the leader just smiled. "Don't worry brothers and sisters he will not stop us this time" the leader tells them before they all smile and remove their cloaks. "I have to say Envy you have weird taste" another member asked as Envy looks at them.

"This body is full of envy mainly towards wrath but I promise to break through and take us to the land of the gods" Envy tells them before they nod and prepare to fight for their goal.

At the elf forest

Toby and Sophie make it back but as soon as they do what they see puts a smile on their faces as you are walking towards them and soon they are shock as you walk through the sun light. "[Fn] is that you" Sophie asked as I smiled and hugs them tight and they do the same. "How are you walking through the sun light" Toby asked as I pull back slightly and smile.

"It's a long story what about you 2" I asked them as they told us what they saw and what they had been doing for the past 3 years. "You said of them was called Mitsuki which means 6 of the 7 sins ar now together" I say as everyone joins us. "We need to take the fight to them I mean the 4 of us have been training for 3 years" Rex said as me, Josh and Tiffany nod.

"Not yet we need to prepare plus I have something I need to do before going to battle" I say as I take hold of Victoria's hand and walk away with a smile on our faces. "I see well then best give them their time together" Josh said as everyone goes to do their own thing to prepare for the battle ahead.

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