Thunder strikes

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After leaving the village I begin making my way to destroyed city ravaged by war where only the fallen spirits roam. "No turning back now" I say as I enter the city as spirits fly around me and I continue to walk before reaching a tall tower in the centre of the city as I enter the smell of darkness and evil filled the air as I see an elderly woman sitting at a table with cards. "So you came just as the fates had for told" the woman said as I approach carefully before stopping to sit on the chair in front of me.

"I'm surprised your still alive Pandora" I say as she looks me in the eyes while also placing the deck of cards in front of me. "Please pick your cards but do not peek" Pandora said as I removed 3 random cards and place them on the table as Pandora remove the deck from the table and focused on 3 cards on the table. "Let us see your life and these cards will tell us all" she told me as she flips the card on her far right over to reveal an angle upside down.

"This card tells me your past the angle upside tells me you fell from grace while carrying a great sadness in your heart" Pandora told me as I look at the card and understood what it meant before she flips the middle to reveal a crown and sword right side up. "The crown and sword tell me that you have accepted your role as royalty while the sword shows you have become a warrior being up right means your becoming a leader of royalty that understands the meaning of struggle" Pandora tells me as I watch her go to flip the next card but I stop her and she looks me in the eyes. "Before you turn that card tell me where it is" I asked as she nods as a small box floats behind her which she gave to me.

"Be warned this box was given to me by the gods as such any who use it other than me shall die" Pandora told me as I place it in a bag and leave as she flips my final card to be surprised. "I see so his final card is the reaper and it's upside down but I must be wrong after all the box kills all other than me and yet the card same different" Pandora said to herself as I leave the city with the box safely packed in my bag. *I have are last resort* I thought before a blast of lightning caused me to stop as I look to see a dragon surrounded by lightning landing in front of me.

"Boy I must ask you to leave that which you have been given by that witch" the dragon said with telepathy as I hold the bag tighter. "I can't do that through my life people suffer that includes the other sins envy most of all and should it come to it my life is little to pay for peace" I tell the dragon looks in my eyes and sees my life full of pain, love, sadness and happiness as he looks I see the dragon lean closer. "Tell me why do you a half breed vampire not feast on human blood" the dragon asked as I knew it could see if I lie.

"Because we monsters can learn from humans and the same goes for humans each side just needs to give the other a chance" I tell him as he leans back and smiles before clapping his hands together as a ball of lightning appears in his hand with a sword inside as he placed it in front of me. "This is Kiramaru I do not give it to just anyone there was only one other to ever hold it but she died 500 years ago but now a new owner has been found use it wisely" the dragon says as I take hold of Kiramaru before continuing on my towards the Atlas kingdom.

At the elf forest

Victoria was sitting with Dracula and her father waiting to hear of any news about your location and if you were alright before the others walk in. "Well" Victoria asked as Rex steps forward. "I went back to my home town and got in luck they told me a man fitting is description was there and defeated the Katoshi the sin of sloth before leaving but after that nothing" Rex says as they all sit down thinking of their next move before an elf come running.

"Sorry for my intrusion but our scouts have located him he is currently heading towards the Atlas kingdom" the elf says as they all ready for battle. As they ride out for the Atlas kingdom Victoria was only focused on seeing you and hopes that it's you and not Haku as the time for war was close at hand.

With Drago

"Drago the time is fast approaching" the earth dragon says as Drago stands ready to take flight with the other dragons. "THE TIME HAS COME TO PUT AN END TO THE EVIL THAT INFECTS THIS WORLD" Drago shouts as they all fly towards the Atlas kingdom as the wheels of fate begin to turn as you all slow make your ways to the battlefield for the war to change the world.

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