The Dealer

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After aheat moment of passion between me and Victora we get dressed before heading back to the village. "I wonder what everyone plans to do after it's all over" I asked as Victoria just hold my arm allowing me to feel her warmth. As we enter the village I see Toby walking but I soon notice something isn't right and we rush over to him as he falls to the ground gripping his heart.

"TOBY" I shout as I sit him up while Victoria goes and gets help before he spoke to me. "Dude I don't feel too good" Toby told me as he grips my hand tight. "Hold on Toby come on" I tell him as Victoria returns along with Tiffany and Sophie before I carry Toby into their house and lay him on the bed.

"Tiffany can you help him" I asked as she looked him over before shaking her head and looking us in the eyes. "I don't have the power to remove a curse like this but I know someone who might" Tiffany told us as she goes out the room and I watch Toby breathing heavy while Sophie watch on which made me tell her the truth. "Sophie listen I need to tell you something about Toby" I tell her which caught her attention as Victoria gives us the room to talk.

"Toby is in love with you and I know it's not my place to tell you but I feel like you have the right to know" I told Sophie as she looks back at Toby and smiled while rubbing his cheek. "I had a feeling he did but could never tell me out of fear that I would reject him for being a goblin but the truth is that's why I love him" Sophie said as I could see that after all the years of living together the 2 of them had found love in each other but could never speak the words but in this moment the wall between their hearts was gone setting their feelings free before Tiffany walks back into the room with Victoria. "Ok so when I was little my mother told me stories about a demon who can remove a curse but the demon asks for something in exchange and soon everyone began calling him the dealer" Tiffany said as she opens the book and finds the page giving us a location of the dealer as I go to walk out the door as Tiffany, Rex and Josh come with me.

As we walk out the village Tiffany guides us to the location of the dealer all the time I wonder what this demon could ask for in exchange. "Hey are you sure we can trust the dealer" Rex asked as I look at Tiffany. "We don't really have a choice no one has the ability to remove a curse like that" Josh tells him as we stop at a large oak tree and Tiffany nods.

"This is the place" Tiffany said as I walk up to the oak tree only for nothing to happen before turning back to the others but something was wrong none of them were moving almost as if time had stopped. "It's been 503 years since we last met welcome home wrath" the dealer said as I turn to face him. "You must be the dealer I'm here to ask you to remove a curse that my friend has been inflicted" I tell him as he floats around me looking me up and down.

"So you chose to be a half breed for your 3rd life" he said as I looked confused as he makes a book appear. "Lets see here your friend was give the curse of pride known as the deadly dance it kills the target within a day a simple task to remove but I do need payment first so how about this I save your friends life and you give me your body just think creation and creator in the same body" he said as I thought it over before I agree as time moved forward again. "Hey did the dealer show up" Rex asked as I walk past them and head for the village but Tiffany new something was different.

After returning to the village Victoria comes running towards us with a smile on her face as we arrive. "Everyone Toby is ok they curse was removed" Victoria said as she goes to hug me but I walk past her not even looking at her which surprised everyone. "[Fn] what is wrong with you why are you acting so cold to us" Rex asked as Victoria stood by them unsure of what was going on as Dracula and Marcus join us.

"Son are you ok" Dracula asked as I just smile before looking at them. "Sorry to tell you this old man but your son doesn't control this body" I say with a wicked smile across my face. "Who are you and what did you do with my son" Dracula asked as his anger grew with every look at the smile on my face.

"Why he's right here I just put him asleep I should introduce myself the name is Haku the demon of wrath but you all know me as the dealer" Haku said as everyone gets their guards up should he attack. "I got to say it feels good to have an actual body again" Haku tells them as he exposed my wings to fly away. "I'll be seeing you around I have a world to see" Haku said as he flies away leaving everyone speechless.

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