Episode 8 - The answer

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Venkat (gathering courage): I love you!

Khushi was lost in his eyes.

..........................Love is in the air...........................

Khushi: Hhh... Hhhho..How? (still hazy)

Venkat: Uhm! I don't know it's just I couldn't keep it in my heart.

He held his hands on her shoulder and continues.

Venkat: The first day when you came to the fifth floor, I lost myself into you. Then even you started looking at me or perhaps now I understand that it's because of Ar..... Arn.... Whatever was his name. I thought to say it slowly after some days. Look Khushi don't mistake me. But I really love you. (he held both her hands) .It's not a compulsion. Take your own time and tell it to me. Waiting for a positive answer. (looking into her eyes)

Khushi was bemused as well as dazed at the same time. It was her first proposal. She thought that her proposal would be grand. But, it was very beautifully delivered in a park. She thought a prince charm would propose her in front of everyone. Instead she got a simple one How she badly wished that these words came from Arnav's mouth. How she badly wished on that day in front of everyone, he might have used her name instead of....

Venkat (breaking her trance): You wanna say something now Khushi? I know I am a stranger to you. But instead of marrying a stranger, consider this.

Khushi: Not now as you said.

Venkat: Well, tomorrow meet me in this park at the same time for whatever might be your answer.

Khushi nodded and leaves. Venkat watches her leaving. Khushi now has added this incident in her thoughts or perhaps a spool of her thoughts. Now the track of her spool shifted to this incident. She kept thinking while going on the road.

What was Devi Maiyya's purpose? Why did such a thing happen in her life? She wanted it from a different mouth. But here she hears these words from his look alike's mouth.

She goes home and shuts the door. She was smiling badly with shyness. Venkat Sharma proposed her! It was yesterday that she was searching his name. But how come today he asked her?

Daadi: Khushi open the door! Why are you always going inside just after coming from college.

Sorry dadi! To avoid her shyness. She always blushes thinking of the incidents happened as well as thinking of the incidents that can happen.

Khushi (still smiling with her face covered): Nothing Daadi. I'll come out. I'm just tired.

Dadi: But why do you lock the door?

Khushi opens the door after gathering herself.

Khushi: What is this Dadi? Are you Doubting me?

Dadi: What doubt? It's just that I miss my bitiya the whole day and after she comes back from her college, I get a sigh of relief. But now you are going inside shutting the door without noticing your Dadi.

Khushi (hugs her and says) : Sorry Dadi, I won't do this again. I love you. (said Khushi chuckling)

They both have dinner and Khushi goes to sleep in her room. Must she say yes or no? Just because he is a look alike of Arnav, she mustn't say yes to him and she mustn't even say no just because she doesn't know him. What are you going to do Khushi? Her mind wasn't off with Arnav but she can't just think about him the whole time. She has to move on in her life. She couldn't sleep the whole night. She goes in front of the Devi Maiyya's idol and prays to her.

Khushi: Why did you bring Arnav in my life when this had to happen. Why can't you just straight away bring Venkat in my life. After all that had happened. Why so suddenly? She gets tears from her eyes. I just hate that school. What an embarrassment I had. Not only him but in front of the whole school? The thought that makes me loathe is that why do I still remember him who had insulted me???? I fought for myself. I fought for myself when no one did. None came by my side. Or rather be it none came coz none existed. After all I had faced, why now ? After I had lost all the hopes of love.. Why do I still dream of him?

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