Episode 45 - Epilogue p5

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Arnav(gritting his teeth): Yes I'm married!! Married to you dammit!!!! And I have full rights to do this. Not only this, but I can do more!!!

Khushi (angrily): But I don't remember getting married to you!!!!

Arnav (holding her cheeks): It's high time Khushi! I cannot wait! I cannot keep my feelings with me. I have to share it! I cannot see my wife forgetting me.

Khushi: I'm not your wife! Sahi is your wife.

Arnav: No you are my wife and I love you dammit!!!!

He hugs her. But she pushes him away. She goes out and cries.

Arnav cries seeing her state. He didn't know what to do. After these many days he lost hope getting her back. He vows to win her love even if she is in this state. But he needed her badly. "Khushi" he cried shouting. She dresses up in the other room. 

Just then, a postman arrives and gives letter to Khushi.

Postman: is this Mrs. Sahithya Venkat Sharma. Plz sign it.

Khushi was shocked . What??? But... 

She then signs it stating it as her friend. As she didn't want to call Arnav after what happened.

Just then Arnav gets a call from a panicked Sahithya. He tells Khushi that he is leaving. She took no notice of him. But her feelings for him killed herself. She was not able to reciprocate his feelings for him. "I love you dammit" kept ringing in her head. She felt happy a bit. Her head starts to pain. Suddenly she gets a flash where Arnav confesses his love to her in a hospital. She then comes to present.

On the other end, Sahi and Venkat were waiting outside Rishab's house.

Arnav: Why aren't they letting you in?

Sahi: Papa is in your house and is there for all these days. It's not that! We saw Shyam.

Arnav was Shocked. Venkat who was hurt was sitting nearby. Arnav went to him and came to know that he had tried to stop Shyam and had got hurt.

Arnav: That idiot!! How could he??? Missed him again!!!

They take him to the hospital and gets his treatment done. As they all come to home, Khushi panics seeing Venkat. Sahi was crying and making sure not to reveal her tears to Khushi. Khushi hugs Venkat and starts kissing him. Sahi couldn't control now. She says,

Sahi: Khushi stop it!

Everyone looks at her. Venkat warns her.

Sahi: No Venkat! It's high time!!

Arnav: Well Khushi, don't romance openly! That's what Sahi is saying.

Khushi: Well you can hug Sahi in front of everyone then why can't I??

Arnav: Because Sahi is my legally wedded wife!!

Khushi: Stop saying it!! In the morning you said I am your wife!! Yes Sahi!! He said that I am his wife and kissed me. Don't panic Sahi. Well I handled him myself. Anyways, his nature is cheap and I came to know this in our school days itself.

Sahi couldn't do anything. Who is she to say a husband to stop romancing with his wife? She remained silent.

Rishab on the other hand saw Sreevatsan's face in the news. He was shocked when Anjali says that it was Shyam. A much more shock came when....

Rishab: He is the one who drugged me! He is the one who had lured me with a girl.. he is the one who made me get addicted to drugs!

Anjali was wide mouthed. She asked sorry to Rishab and they have an eye lock.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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