Episode 16 - Rishab's misunderstanding

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In the hospital.............

Sahithya: Khushi, I don't think so I'll be able to stay here. I need to go now. Nobody knows that I am here. Papa, came to about our relationship Khushi. There is a lot that had happened these years Khushi. I will talk all tomorrow. Anyways! Who'll stay here then? Arnav can't be left alone. If only that we were married or my father wasn't strict enough!

By then Anjali who was Arnav's sister came running towards Sahithya. Sahithya hugged her crying.

Anjali: What did the doctors say? Ho..How all these happened?

Sahithya says all.

Anjali: Oh dear I badly wanna meet him. Why would others beat him?

Sahithya looks at Khushi who gives her a nod. She says all and Anjali gets angry on Khushi.

Anjali: How dare??? Arnav is asking a sorry to a middle class girl like you and you are .........

Sahithya asked her to keep quiet. Venkat got angry and Khushi lets her tears fall.

Anjali (gets a call and answers it): Okay I think I must leave

Sahi: Why? Di?

Anjali: I've got a meeting today.

Sahithya: But Arnav?

Anjali: No duty comes first. It's a big deal today.

Sahithya: Can't you postpone it!

Anjali: I don't want to .What if tomorrow I'll get another deal? I can't do that! I also don't wanna do that. Anyways Doctors are there to take care of him.

Sahithya said no more and Anjali walks away without turning back. She didn't have any more emotion. She cared the least who'll be staying there for the rest of the night.

Khushi: Sahithya! You may leave I'll stay here.

Sahithya: But Khushi!

Khushi: Don't worry about me. I said to my dadi that my friend got an accident. It's about 9.00 pm Sahi. Your father might be searching for you. This is because of me. If it is not for me, he'll not be in this condition. I'll deal it.

They exchanged their numbers.

Sahithya: Ok I'll leave now. Take care of him Khushi. If you need anything please call me. I'm so scared Khushi what will happen to Arnav??(cries)

Khushi: Don't worry ! But wait Sahi! Don't go alone. It's night! It's not safe to go out alone. Venkat can you drop her? You go home too. You said that your mom is not well na?

Venkat: No I'll stay with.

Khushi: for me, plz..

Venkat says yes to her and he goes with Sahithya. They got an auto rickshaw and they go.

Khushi who was in the hospital in the waiting room was weeping badly. She didn't know why she was crying so much but she was not at all okay. Her dadi called her and she answered.

Dadi: Don't worry bitiya everything will be fine. Your friend will be all right. Don't cry bitiya. Stay with her. Also eat something for yourself. I am scared of you bitiya. Shall I come there?

Khushi (teary talk) : No Dadi I'll take care of hi...her.

Dadi keeps the phone and Khushi began to cry. She knew that Arnav's parents were abroad and he lived with his sister. She saw how her sister didn't even care for him. She never had understood about Arnav. Why was he like this. Perhaps she just had an infatuation at that time. But now! She didn't have any answer. She cried thinking there was nobody for him to weep except her. She sees Devi Maiyya's idol from far off. She goes in front of her and prays. She cries and prays for his well being. She curses herself for being so stubborn. It was because of her even the Karma had hurt him.! It was all because of her ! Every time it was her who was hurting him. She was just curious about Arnav. But Arnav was searching for her like mad to ask her a sorry . She weeps.

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