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“Do we really have to do this?” for the nth times Off complains again.

They are doing the preparations for their booth, the first years decided to continue last year’s idea which is mini bar. Krist’s group was tasked to buy the needed beverages and other stuffs to create something new.

“The girls should do this stuff” Off once again grumbles while putting the product Gunsmile handed. Oat and Ice are in charge of the long list of items while Krist and Gunsmile are the ones to grab off its shelves.

“I think this is okay, guys could do groceries too you know” Ice says while checking if they got everything on the list.

“And girls should not be assigned only to do this stuff, some of our girl classmates are good in designing so I think they will do good in the mini bar” Krist supplies the idea.

“And did you see Jane? The girl could lift 3 large boxes. Even you, cannot do that” Oat shots back.

“Okay okay. I get it. Geez you are making me feel like I’m a sexist”

Gunsmile taps his shoulder “Are we done? Let’s go back I’m hungry”

“Yes, I think this is all, right Oat?” Oat replied with a yeah.

As they will about to head back, Krist sees Singto goes in to an alley alone while talking on the phone.

“Ahm guys, I need to go somewhere” With that he quickly rushes out ignoring his friend’s questions.

He runs as fast as he could to catch up to Singto, when he does, Singto suddenly halts and shouted to the phone “I told you to stop doing this! Fire them all! If I see one of them again, you know what will happen. Por”

Again Krist sense the mocking tone in Singto’s voice after the harsh words. Every time the word Por comes out, Krist could feel that.

He wants to call Singto but there are guys ahead of them that made Krist stops.
They are thugs occupying the area. There are many of them. When they notice Singto they all come forward. Krist starts to panic. This is not good

“Oyy do you know whose area you are trespassing” The big bald man shouted towards Singto, that only stares back.

Krist assess the situation, knowing Singto he would probably pissed off the thugs even more and this would not end very well seeing they are out-numbered.

He quickly grabs his phone  and calls Newwie who he thankfully got the number.
“P’new P’singto needs help now” After stating their location he rushes towards Singto as the bald man started shouting aggressively.

“Please let us go, we do not want any trouble”
“Back off!” Krist is harshly pushed to the side. The man invades Singto’s personal space.

“Hey why do look so bored, c’mon play with me little boy” The bald man taunts P’sing who actually look bored out of his life while Krist panics internally.

“Your breathe stinks, baldy” Krist’s eyes widen at Singto, and then Krist turns to the man who just laughs but has this insanely creepy smile left on his face.

The man raises his hand to smack Singto’s head but before it could land Singto grabs his arm and slap the man’s head so hard it turns to the side tilting the big man’s body, Singto is still holding the man’s arm.

Everybody freezes, Krist prays for his life when the man recovers just to be slap again on the same area with the same intensity.

This is when Singto releases the man’s hand. Singto has this enigmatic look on his face. The minions of the man started approaching. Krist readies himself for a fight and all hell breaks loose.

Krist have never been in a fight during highschool, but of course in a face of danger he could never let Singto fight alone, but that doesn’t mean he did not receive a few punches. Singto look like enjoying the fight. After some time Newwie and Fluke came and helps.

Though still outnumbered, with Singto being in rampage they managed to fight until everyone of the thugs drop.

When the arrogant thugs are now groaning on the dirty pavement. Krist could not feel his knuckles and he winces when his lips is stretch. He turns to the 3 men.

Newwie has a cut on his left cheek but completely okay, while Fluke and Singto just sweated. Are they part of  the gang or something?  Krist could pass out any moment now.

While Singto searches for the big bald man, when he spots him, he is lying face down groaning due to broken limbs.

Singto made a move towards him. He stares at the man who flinches back when he notices Singto’s presence.

“Change your occupation, the society does not need lowly people like you. If you ever plans on following my advice, come and find me”

With that he walk across the man, like it was some garbage. Krist is amused, Singto actually took his time and uttered those precious words even though he does not talk so much.  At least you’re lucky with that Krist thought.

Singto called Davis to pick them up, after he finish Newwie comes to him.
“Sing what are you doing here? You told us you're going home, and where is your bike?”

“I need to walk so I could catch the bodyguards trailing me”

“You found out?” After saying that Newwie is momentary shock realizing that he said that. Singto narrows his eyes to his two friends who now have the same expressions.

“You two knew?” growls Singto.
“Singto it was for your own good” It is Fluke who speaks up saying Newwie is having a hard time.

“That’s bullshit. You all just want to manipulate my life! And how do you know those people are not out to harm me!”

“Singto they are hired personally by your father, he only wants what’s the best for you!” Shouted newwie
“I do not need any of this! Have you been in my place? Do you know how hard it is?”

Krist just stands aside, feeling helpless because he does not know how to calm Singto, who once again is very agitated.

“Singto you just need to trust them, you need to trust us” Fluke comes forward, Singto turns to him

“That is a big word you would never understand the intensity of, so stop telling me to trust you all”

“We are your friends” Newwie emphasizes

“Did I ask for your friendship?” This time the icy cold voice and blank stare is back, Krist got the feeling that Singto is done with the talk. Newwie was taken aback, while Fluke looks provoked, he collared Singto.

“How dare you say that to us!” krist gasp and advanced forward to defend Singto and Newwie grabs Fluke
“Fluke stop it!”
“Fluke please calm down” Krist pleaded. Singto did not react he stares back to the still enrage Fluke with a blank face.

“Fluke stop it!” Newwie finally manage to tug Fluke hands releasing Singto’s collar.

“Singto I think we should all calm down first, Krist we’re going first”

Krist nodded “Thank you Phi”

Newwie weakly smiled, it is something he expected from Singto instead but with Singto’s pride, he knows that will never happen. They move towards Fluke’s motorbike and left.

After sometime, Davis came and the ride back home is silent.


Did I ever thank someone who told me tootah's real name? If not, then THANK YOU 😘

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